x393  1.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
26 `timescale 1ns/1ps
28 module ahci_fsm
29 /*#(
30 // parameter PREFETCH_ALWAYS = 0,
31  parameter READ_REG_LATENCY = 2, // 0 if reg_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
32 // parameter READ_CT_LATENCY = 1, // 0 if ct_rdata is available with reg_re/reg_addr, 2 with re/regen
33  parameter ADDRESS_BITS = 10 // number of memory address bits - now fixed. Low half - RO/RW/RWC,RW1 (2-cycle write), 2-nd just RW (single-cycle)
34 ) **/
35 (
36  input hba_rst, // @posedge mclk
37  input mclk, // for command/status
38  input was_hba_rst, // last reset was hba reset (not counting system reset)
39  input was_port_rst, // last reset was port reset
41  // Writing FSM program memory
42  input aclk,
43  input arst,
44  input [17:0] pgm_ad, // @aclk, address/data to program the AHCI FSM
45  input pgm_wa, // @aclk, address strobe to program the AHCI FSM
46  input pgm_wd, // @aclk, data strobe to program the AHCI FSM
49  // direct communication with transposrt, link and phy layers
50  input [1:0] phy_ready, // goes up after comreset,cominit, align, ..., showing speed
51  output syncesc_send, // Send sync escape
52  input syncesc_send_done, // "SYNC escape until the interface is quiescent..."
53  output comreset_send, // Not possible yet?
54  input cominit_got, // asynchronously jumps to P:Cominit state
55  output set_offline, // electrically idle
56 // input x_rdy_collision, // X_RDY/X_RDY collision on interface
57  output send_R_OK, // Should it be originated in this layer SM?
58  output send_R_ERR,
60  // Other signals....
62  // Communication with ahci_ctrl_stat (some are not needed)
63  // update register inputs (will write to register memory current value of the corresponding register)
64  output pfsm_started, // H: FSM done, P: FSM started (enable sensing pcmd_st_cleared)
65  // update register inputs (will write to register memory current value of the corresponding register)
66  // Removing - such updates are always done when startimng new state
67 /// input update_pending,
68  output update_all, // =fsm_jump[0]
69  input update_busy, // valid same cycle as update_all
70 // output update_gis, // these following individual may be unneeded - just use universal update_all
71 // output update_pis,
72 // output update_ssts,
73 // output update_serr,
74 // output update_pcmd,
75 // output update_pci,
76 /// input st01_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 0 to 1 - detected in the loop
77 /// input st10_pending, // software turned PxCMD.ST from 1 to 0 - generates port reset
78 /// output st_pending_reset,// reset both st01_pending and st10_pending
80 // PxCMD
81 /// output pcmd_clear_icc, // clear PxCMD.ICC field
82 /// output pcmd_esp, // external SATA port (just forward value)
83 /// input pcmd_cr, // command list run - current
84  output pcmd_cr_set, // command list run set
85  output pcmd_cr_reset, // command list run reset
86 // output pcmd_fr, // ahci_fis_receive:get_fis_busy
87 /// output pcmd_clear_bsy_drq, // == ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq
89 // Command List override, not yet implemented (optional), keeping @SuppressWarnings VEditor
90  input pcmd_clo, //RW1, causes ahci_fis_receive:clear_bsy_drq, that in turn resets this bit
91 /// output pcmd_clear_st, // RW clear ST (start) bit Seems it is software controlled only
92  input pcmd_st, // current value
93  input pcmd_st_cleared,// ST bit cleared by software;
95 //clear_bsy_drq
96 // Interrupt inputs
97  output sirq_TFE, // RWC: Task File Error Status
98  output sirq_IF, // RWC: Interface Fatal Error Status (sect. 6.1.2)
99  output sirq_INF, // RWC: Interface Non-Fatal Error Status (sect. 6.1.2)
100  output sirq_OF, // RWC: Overflow Status
101  output sirq_PRC, // RO: PhyRdy changed Status
102  output sirq_PC, // RO: Port Connect Change Status
103  output sirq_DP, // RWC: Descriptor Processed with "I" bit on
104  output sirq_UF, // RO: Unknown FIS
105  output sirq_SDB, // RWC: Set Device Bits Interrupt - Set Device bits FIS with 'I' bit set
106  output sirq_DS, // RWC: DMA Setup FIS Interrupt - DMA Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
107  output sirq_PS, // RWC: PIO Setup FIS Interrupt - PIO Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
108  output sirq_DHR, // RWC: D2H Register FIS Interrupt - D2H Register FIS received with 'I' bit set
109 // SCR1:SError (only inputs that are not available in sirq_* ones
110  //sirq_PC,
111  //sirq_UF
112 // P:NotRunning.8 - can not be implemented now, keeping @SuppressWarnings VEditor
113  input serr_diag_X, // value of PxSERR.DIAG.X
117 // SCR0: SStatus
118  output ssts_ipm_dnp, // device not present or communication not established
119  output ssts_ipm_active, // device in active state
120  output ssts_ipm_part, // device in partial state
121  output ssts_ipm_slumb, // device in slumber state
122  output ssts_ipm_devsleep, // device in DevSleep state
124  output ssts_spd_dnp, // device not present or communication not established
125  output ssts_spd_gen1, // Gen 1 rate negotiated
126  output ssts_spd_gen2, // Gen 2 rate negotiated
127  output ssts_spd_gen3, // Gen 3 rate negotiated
129  output ssts_det_ndnp, // no device detected, phy communication not established
130  output ssts_det_dnp, // device detected, but phy communication not established
131  output ssts_det_dp, // device detected, phy communication established
132  output ssts_det_offline, // device detected, phy communication established
133  input [3:0] ssts_det, // current value of PxSSTS.DET
135  // SCR2:SControl (written by software only)
136  /// input [3:0] sctl_ipm, // Interface power management transitions allowed
137  /// input [3:0] sctl_spd, // Interface maximal speed
138  input [3:0] sctl_det, // Device detection initialization requested
139  input sctl_det_changed, // Software had written new value to sctl_det
140  output sctl_det_reset, // clear sctl_det_changed
142  output hba_rst_done, // reset GHC.HR and other bits
144  output pxci0_clear, // PxCI clear
145  input pxci0, // pxCI current value
147  // inputs from the DMA engine
148 /// input dma_prd_done, // output (finished next prd)
149  output dma_prd_irq_clear, // reset pending prd_irq
150  input dma_prd_irq_pend, // prd interrupt pending. This is just a condition for irq - actual will be generated after FIS OK
151  input dma_cmd_busy, // output reg (DMA engine is processing PRDs)
152 /// input dma_cmd_done, // output (last PRD is over)
153  output dma_cmd_abort, // try to abort a command
154  input dma_abort_done, // if abort is not needed, will generate dma_abort_done just next cycle
156  // Communication with ahci_fis_receive (some are unused)
157  // Debug features
158  input fis_first_invalid, // Some data available from FIFO, but not FIS head
159  output fis_first_flush, // Skip FIFO data until empty or FIS head
161  input fis_first_vld, // fis_first contains valid FIS header, reset by 'get_*'
162  input [7:0] fis_type, // FIS type (low byte in the first FIS DWORD), valid with 'fis_first_vld'
163  input [7:0] bist_bits, // bits that define built-in self test
165  // Receiving FIS
166  output get_dsfis,
167  output get_psfis,
168  output get_rfis,
169  output get_sdbfis,
170  output get_ufis,
171  output get_data_fis,
172  output get_ignore, // ignore whatever FIS (use for DMA activate too?)
173 // input get_fis_busy, // busy processing FIS
174  input get_fis_done, // done processing FIS (see fis_ok, fis_err, fis_ferr)
175  input fis_ok, // FIS done, checksum OK reset by starting a new get FIS
176  input fis_err, // FIS done, checksum ERROR reset by starting a new get FIS
177  input fis_ferr, // FIS done, fatal error - FIS too long
178  input fis_extra, // more data got from FIS than DMA can accept. Does not deny fis_ok. May have latency
180  output set_update_sig, // when set, enables get_sig (and resets itself)
181 /// input pUpdateSig, // state variable
182 /// input sig_available, // device signature available
183  output update_sig, // update signature
186  // next commands use register address/data/we for 1 clock cycle - after next to command (commnd - t0, we - t2)
187  output update_err_sts,// update PxTFD.STS and PxTFD.ERR from the last received regs d2h
188  output update_pio, // update PxTFD.STS and PxTFD.ERR from pio_* (entry PIO:Update)
190  output update_prdbc, // update PRDBC in registers
191  output clear_bsy_drq, // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
192  output clear_bsy_set_drq, // clear PxTFD.STS.BSY and sets PxTFD.STS.DRQ, update
194  output set_bsy, // set PxTFD.STS.BSY, update
195  output set_sts_7f, // set PxTFD.STS = 0x7f, update
196  output set_sts_80, // set PxTFD.STS = 0x80 (may be combined with set_sts_7f), update
197  output clear_xfer_cntr, // clear pXferCntr (is it needed as a separate input)?
199  output decr_dwcr, // decrement DMA Xfer counter after read // need pulse to 'update_prdbc' to write to registers
200  output decr_dwcw, // decrement DMA Xfer counter after write // need pulse to 'update_prdbc' to write to registers
201 // output [11:0] decr_DXC_dw, // decrement value (in DWORDs)
202  input pxcmd_fre, // control bit enables saving FIS to memory
203  input pPioXfer, // state variable
204  input [7:0] tfd_sts, // Current PxTFD status field (updated after regFIS and SDB - certain fields)
205  // tfd_sts[7] - BSY, tfd_sts[3] - DRQ, tfd_sts[0] - ERR
206 /// input [7:0] tfd_err, // Current PxTFD error field (updated after regFIS and SDB)
207  input fis_i, // value of "I" field in received regsD2H or SDB FIS
208 /// input sdb_n, // value of "N" field in received SDB FIS
209  input dma_a, // value of "A" field in received DMA Setup FIS
210 /// input dma_d, // value of "D" field in received DMA Setup FIS
211  input pio_i, // value of "I" field in received PIO Setup FIS
212  input pio_d, // value of "D" field in received PIO Setup FIS
213 /// input [7:0] pio_es, // value of PIO E_Status
214 /// input sactive0, // bit 0 of sActive DWORD received in SDB FIS
215  // Using even word count (will be rounded up), partial DWORD (last) will be handled by PRD length if needed
216 /// input [31:2] xfer_cntr, // transfer counter in words for both DMA (31 bit) and PIO (lower 15 bits), updated after decr_dwc
217  input xfer_cntr_zero,// valid next cycle
219  // Communication with ahci_fis_transmit
220  // Command pulses to execute states
221  output fetch_cmd, // Enter p:FetchCmd, fetch command header (from the register memory, prefetch command FIS)
222  // wait for either fetch_cmd_busy == 0 or pCmdToIssue ==1 after fetch_cmd
223  output cfis_xmit, // transmit command (wait for dma_ct_busy == 0)
224  output dx_xmit, // send FIS header DWORD, (just 0x46), then forward DMA data
225  // transmit until error, 2048DWords or pDmaXferCnt
226  output atapi_xmit, // tarsmit ATAPI command FIS
227  input xmit_done,
228 // input xmit_busy,
230  output clearCmdToIssue, // From CFIS:SUCCESS
231  input pCmdToIssue, // AHCI port variable
232 // output dmaCntrZero, // DMA counter is zero - would be a duplicate to the one in receive module and dwords_sent output
233 // input syncesc_recv, // These two inputs interrupt transmit
234 // input xmit_err, //
235  input [ 2:0] dx_err, // bit 0 - syncesc_recv, 1 - R_ERR (was xmit_err), 2 - X_RDY/X_RDY collision (valid @ xmit_err and later, reset by new command)
237 /// input [15:0] ch_prdtl, // Physical region descriptor table length (in entries, 0 is 0)
238  input ch_c, // Clear busy upon R_OK for this FIS
239  input ch_b, // Built-in self test command
240  input ch_r, // reset - may need to send SYNC escape before this command
241  input ch_p, // prefetchable - only used with non-zero PRDTL or ATAPI bit set
242  input ch_w, // Write: system memory -> device
243  input ch_a, // ATAPI: 1 means device should send PIO setup FIS for ATAPI command
244  input unsolicited_en, // enable processing of cominit_got and PxERR.DIAG.W interrupts from
245  // this bit is reset at reset, set when PxSSTS.DET==3 or PxSCTL.DET==4
247  output reg [ 9:0] last_jump_addr // debug feature
248 /// input [4:0] ch_cfl, // length of the command FIS in DW, 0 means none. 0 and 1 - illegal,
249  // maximal is 16 (0x10)
250 /// input [11:0] dwords_sent // number of DWORDs transmitted (up to 2048)
252 );// RO: Device ID
253  localparam PCI_Header__ID__DID__ADDR = 'h60;
254  localparam PCI_Header__ID__DID__MASK = 'hffff0000;
255  localparam PCI_Header__ID__DID__DFLT = 'h10000;
256 // RO: Vendor ID
257  localparam PCI_Header__ID__VID__ADDR = 'h60;
258  localparam PCI_Header__ID__VID__MASK = 'hffff;
259  localparam PCI_Header__ID__VID__DFLT = 'hfffe;
260 // RW: HBA Interrupt Disable
261  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__ID__ADDR = 'h61;
262  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__ID__MASK = 'h400;
263  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__ID__DFLT = 'h0;
264 // RO: Fast Back-to-Back Enable
265  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__FBE__ADDR = 'h61;
266  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__FBE__MASK = 'h200;
267  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__FBE__DFLT = 'h0;
268 // RO: SERR Enable
269  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__SEE__ADDR = 'h61;
270  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__SEE__MASK = 'h100;
271  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__SEE__DFLT = 'h0;
272 // RO: Reserved
273  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__WCC__ADDR = 'h61;
274  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__WCC__MASK = 'h80;
275  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__WCC__DFLT = 'h0;
276 // RO: Parity Error Response Enable
277  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__PEE__ADDR = 'h61;
278  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__PEE__MASK = 'h40;
279  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__PEE__DFLT = 'h0;
280 // RO: Reserved
281  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__VGA__ADDR = 'h61;
282  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__VGA__MASK = 'h20;
283  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__VGA__DFLT = 'h0;
284 // RO: Reserved
285  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__MWIE__ADDR = 'h61;
286  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__MWIE__MASK = 'h10;
287  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__MWIE__DFLT = 'h0;
288 // RO: Reserved
289  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__SCE__ADDR = 'h61;
290  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__SCE__MASK = 'h8;
291  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__SCE__DFLT = 'h0;
292 // RW: Bus Master Enable (0 - stops any DMA)
293  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__BME__ADDR = 'h61;
294  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__BME__MASK = 'h4;
295  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__BME__DFLT = 'h0;
296 // RW: Memory Space enable (here - always?)
297  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__MSE__ADDR = 'h61;
298  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__MSE__MASK = 'h2;
299  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__MSE__DFLT = 'h0;
300 // RO: Enable IO space access (only for legacy IDE)
301  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__IOSE__ADDR = 'h61;
302  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__IOSE__MASK = 'h1;
303  localparam PCI_Header__CMD__IOSE__DFLT = 'h0;
304 // RWC: Detected Parity Error
305  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DPE__ADDR = 'h61;
306  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DPE__MASK = 'h80000000;
307  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DPE__DFLT = 'h0;
308 // RWC: Signaled System Error (HBA SERR)
309  localparam PCI_Header__STS__SSE__ADDR = 'h61;
310  localparam PCI_Header__STS__SSE__MASK = 'h40000000;
311  localparam PCI_Header__STS__SSE__DFLT = 'h0;
312 // RWC: Received Master Abort
313  localparam PCI_Header__STS__RMA__ADDR = 'h61;
314  localparam PCI_Header__STS__RMA__MASK = 'h20000000;
315  localparam PCI_Header__STS__RMA__DFLT = 'h0;
316 // RWC: Received Target Abort
317  localparam PCI_Header__STS__RTA__ADDR = 'h61;
318  localparam PCI_Header__STS__RTA__MASK = 'h10000000;
319  localparam PCI_Header__STS__RTA__DFLT = 'h0;
320 // RWC: Signaled Target Abort
321  localparam PCI_Header__STS__STA__ADDR = 'h61;
322  localparam PCI_Header__STS__STA__MASK = 'h8000000;
323  localparam PCI_Header__STS__STA__DFLT = 'h0;
324 // RO: PCI DEVSEL Timing
325  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DEVT__ADDR = 'h61;
326  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DEVT__MASK = 'h6000000;
327  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DEVT__DFLT = 'h0;
328 // RWC: Master Data Parity Error Detected
329  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DPD__ADDR = 'h61;
330  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DPD__MASK = 'h1000000;
331  localparam PCI_Header__STS__DPD__DFLT = 'h0;
332 // RO: Fast Back-To-Back Capable
333  localparam PCI_Header__STS__FBC__ADDR = 'h61;
334  localparam PCI_Header__STS__FBC__MASK = 'h800000;
335  localparam PCI_Header__STS__FBC__DFLT = 'h0;
336 // RO: 66 MHz Capable
337  localparam PCI_Header__STS__C66__ADDR = 'h61;
338  localparam PCI_Header__STS__C66__MASK = 'h200000;
339  localparam PCI_Header__STS__C66__DFLT = 'h0;
340 // RO: Capabilities List (PCI power management mandatory)
341  localparam PCI_Header__STS__CL__ADDR = 'h61;
342  localparam PCI_Header__STS__CL__MASK = 'h100000;
343  localparam PCI_Header__STS__CL__DFLT = 'h100000;
344 // RO: Interrupt Status (1 - asserted)
345  localparam PCI_Header__STS__IS__ADDR = 'h61;
346  localparam PCI_Header__STS__IS__MASK = 'h80000;
347  localparam PCI_Header__STS__IS__DFLT = 'h0;
348 // RO: HBA Revision ID
349  localparam PCI_Header__RID__RID__ADDR = 'h62;
350  localparam PCI_Header__RID__RID__MASK = 'hff;
351  localparam PCI_Header__RID__RID__DFLT = 'h2;
352 // RO: Base Class Code: 1 - Mass Storage Device
353  localparam PCI_Header__CC__BCC__ADDR = 'h62;
354  localparam PCI_Header__CC__BCC__MASK = 'hff000000;
355  localparam PCI_Header__CC__BCC__DFLT = 'h1000000;
356 // RO: Sub Class Code: 0x06 - SATA Device
357  localparam PCI_Header__CC__SCC__ADDR = 'h62;
358  localparam PCI_Header__CC__SCC__MASK = 'hff0000;
359  localparam PCI_Header__CC__SCC__DFLT = 'h60000;
360 // RO: Programming Interface: 1 - AHCI HBA major rev 1
361  localparam PCI_Header__CC__PI__ADDR = 'h62;
362  localparam PCI_Header__CC__PI__MASK = 'hff0000;
363  localparam PCI_Header__CC__PI__DFLT = 'h10000;
364 // RW: Cache Line Size
365  localparam PCI_Header__CLS__CLS__ADDR = 'h63;
366  localparam PCI_Header__CLS__CLS__MASK = 'hff;
367  localparam PCI_Header__CLS__CLS__DFLT = 'h0;
368 // RW: Master Latency Timer
369  localparam PCI_Header__MLT__MLT__ADDR = 'h63;
370  localparam PCI_Header__MLT__MLT__MASK = 'hff00;
371  localparam PCI_Header__MLT__MLT__DFLT = 'h0;
372 // RO: Multi-Function Device
373  localparam PCI_Header__HTYPE__MFDT__ADDR = 'h63;
374  localparam PCI_Header__HTYPE__MFDT__MASK = 'h8000;
375  localparam PCI_Header__HTYPE__MFDT__DFLT = 'h0;
376 // RO: Header Layout 0 - HBA uses a target device layout
377  localparam PCI_Header__HTYPE__HL__ADDR = 'h63;
378  localparam PCI_Header__HTYPE__HL__MASK = 'h7f00;
379  localparam PCI_Header__HTYPE__HL__DFLT = 'h0;
380 // RO: AHCI Base Address high bits, normally RW, but here RO to get to MAXIGP1 space
381  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__BA__ADDR = 'h69;
382  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__BA__MASK = 'hfffffff0;
383  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__BA__DFLT = 'h80000000;
384 // RO: Prefetchable (this is not)
385  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__PF__ADDR = 'h69;
386  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__PF__MASK = 'h8;
387  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__PF__DFLT = 'h0;
388 // RO: Type (0 - any 32-bit address, here it is hard-mapped
389  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__TP__ADDR = 'h69;
390  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__TP__MASK = 'h6;
391  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__TP__DFLT = 'h0;
392 // RO: Resource Type Indicator: 0 - memory address
393  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__RTE__ADDR = 'h69;
394  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__RTE__MASK = 'h1;
395  localparam PCI_Header__ABAR__RTE__DFLT = 'h0;
396 // RO: SubSystem ID
397  localparam PCI_Header__SS__SSID__ADDR = 'h6b;
398  localparam PCI_Header__SS__SSID__MASK = 'hffff0000;
399  localparam PCI_Header__SS__SSID__DFLT = 'h10000;
400 // RO: SubSystem Vendor ID
401  localparam PCI_Header__SS__SSVID__ADDR = 'h6b;
402  localparam PCI_Header__SS__SSVID__MASK = 'hffff;
403  localparam PCI_Header__SS__SSVID__DFLT = 'hfffe;
404 // RO: ROM Base Address
405  localparam PCI_Header__EROM__RBA__ADDR = 'h6c;
406  localparam PCI_Header__EROM__RBA__MASK = 'hffffffff;
407  localparam PCI_Header__EROM__RBA__DFLT = 'h0;
408 // RO: Capabilities pointer
409  localparam PCI_Header__CAP__CAP__ADDR = 'h6d;
410  localparam PCI_Header__CAP__CAP__MASK = 'hff;
411  localparam PCI_Header__CAP__CAP__DFLT = 'h40;
412 // RO: Interrupt pin
413  localparam PCI_Header__INTR__IPIN__ADDR = 'h6f;
414  localparam PCI_Header__INTR__IPIN__MASK = 'hff00;
415  localparam PCI_Header__INTR__IPIN__DFLT = 'h100;
416 // RW: Interrupt Line
417  localparam PCI_Header__INTR__ILINE__ADDR = 'h6f;
418  localparam PCI_Header__INTR__ILINE__MASK = 'hff;
419  localparam PCI_Header__INTR__ILINE__DFLT = 'h0;
420 // RO: Minimal Grant
421  localparam PCI_Header__MGNT__MGNT__ADDR = 'h6f;
422  localparam PCI_Header__MGNT__MGNT__MASK = 'hff0000;
423  localparam PCI_Header__MGNT__MGNT__DFLT = 'h0;
424 // RO: Maximal Latency
425  localparam PCI_Header__MLAT__MLAT__ADDR = 'h6f;
426  localparam PCI_Header__MLAT__MLAT__MASK = 'hff000000;
427  localparam PCI_Header__MLAT__MLAT__DFLT = 'h0;
428 // RO: Next Capability pointer
429  localparam PMCAP__PID__NEXT__ADDR = 'h70;
430  localparam PMCAP__PID__NEXT__MASK = 'hff00;
431  localparam PMCAP__PID__NEXT__DFLT = 'h0;
432 // RO: This is PCI Power Management Capability
433  localparam PMCAP__PID__CID__ADDR = 'h70;
434  localparam PMCAP__PID__CID__MASK = 'hff;
435  localparam PMCAP__PID__CID__DFLT = 'h1;
436 // RO: PME_SUPPORT bits:'b01000
437  localparam PMCAP__PC__PSUP__ADDR = 'h70;
438  localparam PMCAP__PC__PSUP__MASK = 'hf8000000;
439  localparam PMCAP__PC__PSUP__DFLT = 'h40000000;
440 // RO: D2 Support - no
441  localparam PMCAP__PC__D2S__ADDR = 'h70;
442  localparam PMCAP__PC__D2S__MASK = 'h4000000;
443  localparam PMCAP__PC__D2S__DFLT = 'h0;
444 // RO: D1 Support - no
445  localparam PMCAP__PC__D1S__ADDR = 'h70;
446  localparam PMCAP__PC__D1S__MASK = 'h2000000;
447  localparam PMCAP__PC__D1S__DFLT = 'h0;
448 // RO: Maximal D3cold current
449  localparam PMCAP__PC__AUXC__ADDR = 'h70;
450  localparam PMCAP__PC__AUXC__MASK = 'h1c00000;
451  localparam PMCAP__PC__AUXC__DFLT = 'h0;
452 // RO: Device-specific initialization required
453  localparam PMCAP__PC__DSI__ADDR = 'h70;
454  localparam PMCAP__PC__DSI__MASK = 'h200000;
455  localparam PMCAP__PC__DSI__DFLT = 'h0;
456 // RO: PCI clock required to generate PME
457  localparam PMCAP__PC__PMEC__ADDR = 'h70;
458  localparam PMCAP__PC__PMEC__MASK = 'h80000;
459  localparam PMCAP__PC__PMEC__DFLT = 'h0;
460 // RO: Revision of Power Management Specification support version
461  localparam PMCAP__PC__VS__ADDR = 'h70;
462  localparam PMCAP__PC__VS__MASK = 'h70000;
463  localparam PMCAP__PC__VS__DFLT = 'h0;
464 // RWC: PME Status, set by hardware when HBA generates PME
465  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PMES__ADDR = 'h71;
466  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PMES__MASK = 'h8000;
467  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PMES__DFLT = 'h0;
468 // RW: PME Enable
469  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PMEE__ADDR = 'h71;
470  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PMEE__MASK = 'h100;
471  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PMEE__DFLT = 'h0;
472 // RW: Power State
473  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PS__ADDR = 'h71;
474  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PS__MASK = 'h3;
475  localparam PMCAP__PMCS__PS__DFLT = 'h0;
476 // RO: Supports 64-bit Addressing - no
477  localparam GHC__CAP__S64A__ADDR = 'h0;
478  localparam GHC__CAP__S64A__MASK = 'h80000000;
479  localparam GHC__CAP__S64A__DFLT = 'h0;
480 // RO: Supports Native Command Queuing - no
481  localparam GHC__CAP__SNCQ__ADDR = 'h0;
482  localparam GHC__CAP__SNCQ__MASK = 'h40000000;
483  localparam GHC__CAP__SNCQ__DFLT = 'h0;
484 // RO: Supports SNotification Register - no
485  localparam GHC__CAP__SSNTF__ADDR = 'h0;
486  localparam GHC__CAP__SSNTF__MASK = 'h20000000;
487  localparam GHC__CAP__SSNTF__DFLT = 'h0;
488 // RO: Supports Mechanical Presence Switch - no
489  localparam GHC__CAP__SMPS__ADDR = 'h0;
490  localparam GHC__CAP__SMPS__MASK = 'h10000000;
491  localparam GHC__CAP__SMPS__DFLT = 'h0;
492 // RO: Supports Staggered Spin-up - no
493  localparam GHC__CAP__SSS__ADDR = 'h0;
494  localparam GHC__CAP__SSS__MASK = 'h8000000;
495  localparam GHC__CAP__SSS__DFLT = 'h0;
496 // RO: Supports Aggressive Link Power Management - no
497  localparam GHC__CAP__SALP__ADDR = 'h0;
498  localparam GHC__CAP__SALP__MASK = 'h4000000;
499  localparam GHC__CAP__SALP__DFLT = 'h0;
500 // RO: Supports Activity LED - no
501  localparam GHC__CAP__SAL__ADDR = 'h0;
502  localparam GHC__CAP__SAL__MASK = 'h2000000;
503  localparam GHC__CAP__SAL__DFLT = 'h0;
504 // RO: Supports Command List Override - no (not capable of clearing BSY and DRQ bits, needs soft reset
505  localparam GHC__CAP__SCLO__ADDR = 'h0;
506  localparam GHC__CAP__SCLO__MASK = 'h1000000;
507  localparam GHC__CAP__SCLO__DFLT = 'h0;
508 // RO: Interface Maximal speed: 2 - Gen2, 3 - Gen3
509  localparam GHC__CAP__ISS__ADDR = 'h0;
510  localparam GHC__CAP__ISS__MASK = 'hf00000;
511  localparam GHC__CAP__ISS__DFLT = 'h200000;
512 // RO: AHCI only (0 - legacy too)
513  localparam GHC__CAP__SAM__ADDR = 'h0;
514  localparam GHC__CAP__SAM__MASK = 'h40000;
515  localparam GHC__CAP__SAM__DFLT = 'h40000;
516 // RO: Supports Port Multiplier - no
517  localparam GHC__CAP__SPM__ADDR = 'h0;
518  localparam GHC__CAP__SPM__MASK = 'h20000;
519  localparam GHC__CAP__SPM__DFLT = 'h0;
520 // RO: Supports FIS-based switching of the Port Multiplier - no
521  localparam GHC__CAP__FBSS__ADDR = 'h0;
522  localparam GHC__CAP__FBSS__MASK = 'h10000;
523  localparam GHC__CAP__FBSS__DFLT = 'h0;
524 // RO: PIO Multiple DRQ block - no
525  localparam GHC__CAP__PMD__ADDR = 'h0;
526  localparam GHC__CAP__PMD__MASK = 'h8000;
527  localparam GHC__CAP__PMD__DFLT = 'h0;
528 // RO: Slumber State Capable - no
529  localparam GHC__CAP__SSC__ADDR = 'h0;
530  localparam GHC__CAP__SSC__MASK = 'h4000;
531  localparam GHC__CAP__SSC__DFLT = 'h0;
532 // RO: Partial State Capable - no
533  localparam GHC__CAP__PSC__ADDR = 'h0;
534  localparam GHC__CAP__PSC__MASK = 'h2000;
535  localparam GHC__CAP__PSC__DFLT = 'h0;
536 // RO: Number of Command Slots, 0-based (0 means 1?)
537  localparam GHC__CAP__NSC__ADDR = 'h0;
538  localparam GHC__CAP__NSC__MASK = 'h1f00;
539  localparam GHC__CAP__NSC__DFLT = 'h0;
540 // RO: Command Completion Coalescing - no
541  localparam GHC__CAP__CCCS__ADDR = 'h0;
542  localparam GHC__CAP__CCCS__MASK = 'h80;
543  localparam GHC__CAP__CCCS__DFLT = 'h0;
544 // RO: Enclosure Management - no
545  localparam GHC__CAP__EMS__ADDR = 'h0;
546  localparam GHC__CAP__EMS__MASK = 'h40;
547  localparam GHC__CAP__EMS__DFLT = 'h0;
548 // RO: External SATA connector - yes
549  localparam GHC__CAP__SXS__ADDR = 'h0;
550  localparam GHC__CAP__SXS__MASK = 'h20;
551  localparam GHC__CAP__SXS__DFLT = 'h20;
552 // RO: Number of Ports, 0-based (0 means 1?)
553  localparam GHC__CAP__NP__ADDR = 'h0;
554  localparam GHC__CAP__NP__MASK = 'h1f;
555  localparam GHC__CAP__NP__DFLT = 'h0;
556 // RO: AHCI enable (0 - legacy)
557  localparam GHC__GHC__AE__ADDR = 'h1;
558  localparam GHC__GHC__AE__MASK = 'h80000000;
559  localparam GHC__GHC__AE__DFLT = 'h80000000;
560 // RO: MSI Revert to Single Message
561  localparam GHC__GHC__MRSM__ADDR = 'h1;
562  localparam GHC__GHC__MRSM__MASK = 'h4;
563  localparam GHC__GHC__MRSM__DFLT = 'h0;
564 // RW: Interrupt Enable (all ports)
565  localparam GHC__GHC__IE__ADDR = 'h1;
566  localparam GHC__GHC__IE__MASK = 'h2;
567  localparam GHC__GHC__IE__DFLT = 'h0;
568 // RW1: HBA reset (COMINIT, ...). Set by software, cleared by hardware, section 10.4.3
569  localparam GHC__GHC__HR__ADDR = 'h1;
570  localparam GHC__GHC__HR__MASK = 'h1;
571  localparam GHC__GHC__HR__DFLT = 'h0;
572 // RWC: Interrupt Pending Status (per port)
573  localparam GHC__IS__IPS__ADDR = 'h2;
574  localparam GHC__IS__IPS__MASK = 'hffffffff;
575  localparam GHC__IS__IPS__DFLT = 'h0;
576 // RO: Ports Implemented
577  localparam GHC__PI__PI__ADDR = 'h3;
578  localparam GHC__PI__PI__MASK = 'hffffffff;
579  localparam GHC__PI__PI__DFLT = 'h1;
580 // RO: AHCI Major Version 1.
581  localparam GHC__VS__MJR__ADDR = 'h4;
582  localparam GHC__VS__MJR__MASK = 'hffff0000;
583  localparam GHC__VS__MJR__DFLT = 'h10000;
584 // RO: AHCI Minor Version 3.1
585  localparam GHC__VS__MNR__ADDR = 'h4;
586  localparam GHC__VS__MNR__MASK = 'hffff;
587  localparam GHC__VS__MNR__DFLT = 'h301;
588 // RO: DevSleep Entrance from Slumber Only
589  localparam GHC__CAP2__DESO__ADDR = 'h9;
590  localparam GHC__CAP2__DESO__MASK = 'h20;
591  localparam GHC__CAP2__DESO__DFLT = 'h0;
592 // RO: Supports Aggressive Device Sleep Management
593  localparam GHC__CAP2__SADM__ADDR = 'h9;
594  localparam GHC__CAP2__SADM__MASK = 'h10;
595  localparam GHC__CAP2__SADM__DFLT = 'h0;
596 // RO: Supports Device Sleep
597  localparam GHC__CAP2__SDS__ADDR = 'h9;
598  localparam GHC__CAP2__SDS__MASK = 'h8;
599  localparam GHC__CAP2__SDS__DFLT = 'h0;
600 // RO: Automatic Partial to Slumber Transitions
601  localparam GHC__CAP2__APST__ADDR = 'h9;
602  localparam GHC__CAP2__APST__MASK = 'h4;
603  localparam GHC__CAP2__APST__DFLT = 'h0;
604 // RO: NVMHCI Present (section 10.15)
605  localparam GHC__CAP2__NVMP__ADDR = 'h9;
606  localparam GHC__CAP2__NVMP__MASK = 'h2;
607  localparam GHC__CAP2__NVMP__DFLT = 'h0;
608 // RO: BIOS/OS Handoff - not supported
609  localparam GHC__CAP2__BOH__ADDR = 'h9;
610  localparam GHC__CAP2__BOH__MASK = 'h1;
611  localparam GHC__CAP2__BOH__DFLT = 'h0;
612 // RW: Command List Base Address (1KB aligned)
613  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCLB__CLB__ADDR = 'h40;
614  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCLB__CLB__MASK = 'hfffffc00;
615  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCLB__CLB__DFLT = 'h80000800;
616 // RW: Command List Base Address (1KB aligned)
617  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFB__CLB__ADDR = 'h42;
618  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFB__CLB__MASK = 'hffffff00;
619  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFB__CLB__DFLT = 'h80000c00;
620 // RWC: Cold Port Detect Status
621  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__CPDS__ADDR = 'h44;
622  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__CPDS__MASK = 'h80000000;
623  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__CPDS__DFLT = 'h0;
624 // RWC: Task File Error Status
625  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__ADDR = 'h44;
626  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__MASK = 'h40000000;
627  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__TFES__DFLT = 'h0;
628 // RWC: Host Bus (PCI) Fatal error
629  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__HBFS__ADDR = 'h44;
630  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__HBFS__MASK = 'h20000000;
631  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__HBFS__DFLT = 'h0;
632 // RWC: ECC error R/W system memory
633  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__HBDS__ADDR = 'h44;
634  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__HBDS__MASK = 'h10000000;
635  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__HBDS__DFLT = 'h0;
636 // RWC: Interface Fatal Error Status (sect. 6.1.2)
637  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__IFS__ADDR = 'h44;
638  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__IFS__MASK = 'h8000000;
639  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__IFS__DFLT = 'h0;
640 // RWC: Interface Non-Fatal Error Status (sect. 6.1.2)
641  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__INFS__ADDR = 'h44;
642  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__INFS__MASK = 'h4000000;
643  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__INFS__DFLT = 'h0;
644 // RWC: Overflow Status
645  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__OFS__ADDR = 'h44;
646  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__OFS__MASK = 'h1000000;
647  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__OFS__DFLT = 'h0;
648 // RWC: Incorrect Port Multiplier Status
649  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__IPMS__ADDR = 'h44;
650  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__IPMS__MASK = 'h800000;
651  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__IPMS__DFLT = 'h0;
652 // RO: PhyRdy changed Status
653  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PRCS__ADDR = 'h44;
654  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PRCS__MASK = 'h400000;
655  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PRCS__DFLT = 'h0;
656 // RWC: Device Mechanical Presence Status
657  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DMPS__ADDR = 'h44;
658  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DMPS__MASK = 'h80;
659  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DMPS__DFLT = 'h0;
660 // RO: Port Connect Change Status
661  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PCS__ADDR = 'h44;
662  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PCS__MASK = 'h40;
663  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PCS__DFLT = 'h0;
664 // RWC: Descriptor Processed
665  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DPS__ADDR = 'h44;
666  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DPS__MASK = 'h20;
667  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DPS__DFLT = 'h0;
668 // RO: Unknown FIS
669  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__UFS__ADDR = 'h44;
670  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__UFS__MASK = 'h10;
671  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__UFS__DFLT = 'h0;
672 // RWC: Set Device Bits Interrupt - Set Device bits FIS with 'I' bit set
673  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__SDBS__ADDR = 'h44;
674  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__SDBS__MASK = 'h8;
675  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__SDBS__DFLT = 'h0;
676 // RWC: DMA Setup FIS Interrupt - DMA Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
677  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DSS__ADDR = 'h44;
678  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DSS__MASK = 'h4;
679  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DSS__DFLT = 'h0;
680 // RWC: PIO Setup FIS Interrupt - PIO Setup FIS received with 'I' bit set
681  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__ADDR = 'h44;
682  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__MASK = 'h2;
683  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__PSS__DFLT = 'h0;
684 // RWC: D2H Register FIS Interrupt - D2H Register FIS received with 'I' bit set
685  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DHRS__ADDR = 'h44;
686  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DHRS__MASK = 'h1;
687  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIS__DHRS__DFLT = 'h0;
688 // RW: Cold Port Detect Enable
689  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__CPDE__ADDR = 'h45;
690  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__CPDE__MASK = 'h80000000;
691  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__CPDE__DFLT = 'h0;
692 // RW: Task File Error Enable
693  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__TFEE__ADDR = 'h45;
694  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__TFEE__MASK = 'h40000000;
695  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__TFEE__DFLT = 'h0;
696 // RW: Host Bus (PCI) Fatal Error Enable
697  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__HBFE__ADDR = 'h45;
698  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__HBFE__MASK = 'h20000000;
699  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__HBFE__DFLT = 'h0;
700 // RW: ECC Error R/W System Memory Enable
701  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__HBDE__ADDR = 'h45;
702  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__HBDE__MASK = 'h10000000;
703  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__HBDE__DFLT = 'h0;
704 // RW: Interface Fatal Error Enable (sect. 6.1.2)
705  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__IFE__ADDR = 'h45;
706  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__IFE__MASK = 'h8000000;
707  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__IFE__DFLT = 'h0;
708 // RW: Interface Non-Fatal Error Enable (sect. 6.1.2)
709  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__INFE__ADDR = 'h45;
710  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__INFE__MASK = 'h4000000;
711  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__INFE__DFLT = 'h0;
712 // RW: Overflow Enable
713  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__OFE__ADDR = 'h45;
714  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__OFE__MASK = 'h1000000;
715  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__OFE__DFLT = 'h0;
716 // RW: Incorrect Port Multiplier Enable
717  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__IPME__ADDR = 'h45;
718  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__IPME__MASK = 'h800000;
719  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__IPME__DFLT = 'h0;
720 // RW: PhyRdy changed Enable
721  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PRCE__ADDR = 'h45;
722  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PRCE__MASK = 'h400000;
723  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PRCE__DFLT = 'h0;
724 // RO: Device Mechanical Presence Interrupt Enable
725  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DMPE__ADDR = 'h45;
726  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DMPE__MASK = 'h80;
727  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DMPE__DFLT = 'h0;
728 // RW: Port Connect Change Interrupt Enable
729  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PCE__ADDR = 'h45;
730  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PCE__MASK = 'h40;
731  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PCE__DFLT = 'h0;
732 // RW: Descriptor Processed Interrupt Enable
733  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DPE__ADDR = 'h45;
734  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DPE__MASK = 'h20;
735  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DPE__DFLT = 'h0;
736 // RW: Unknown FIS
737  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__UFE__ADDR = 'h45;
738  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__UFE__MASK = 'h10;
739  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__UFE__DFLT = 'h0;
740 // RW: Device Bits Interrupt Enable
741  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__SDBE__ADDR = 'h45;
742  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__SDBE__MASK = 'h8;
743  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__SDBE__DFLT = 'h0;
744 // RW: DMA Setup FIS Interrupt Enable
745  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DSE__ADDR = 'h45;
746  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DSE__MASK = 'h4;
747  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DSE__DFLT = 'h0;
748 // RW: PIO Setup FIS Interrupt Enable
749  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__ADDR = 'h45;
750  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__MASK = 'h2;
751  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__PSE__DFLT = 'h0;
752 // RW: D2H Register FIS Interrupt Enable
753  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DHRE__ADDR = 'h45;
754  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DHRE__MASK = 'h1;
755  localparam HBA_PORT__PxIE__DHRE__DFLT = 'h0;
756 // RW: Interface Communication Control
757  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__ADDR = 'h46;
758  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__MASK = 'hf0000000;
759  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ICC__DFLT = 'h0;
760 // RO: Aggressive Slumber/Partial - not implemented
761  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ASP__ADDR = 'h46;
762  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ASP__MASK = 'h8000000;
763  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ASP__DFLT = 'h0;
764 // RO: Aggressive Link Power Management Enable - not implemented
765  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ALPE__ADDR = 'h46;
766  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ALPE__MASK = 'h4000000;
767  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ALPE__DFLT = 'h0;
768 // RW: Drive LED on ATAPI enable
769  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__DLAE__ADDR = 'h46;
770  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__DLAE__MASK = 'h2000000;
771  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__DLAE__DFLT = 'h0;
772 // RW: Device is ATAPI (for activity LED)
773  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ATAPI__ADDR = 'h46;
774  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ATAPI__MASK = 'h1000000;
775  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ATAPI__DFLT = 'h0;
776 // RW: Automatic Partial to Slumber Transitions Enabled
777  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__APSTE__ADDR = 'h46;
778  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__APSTE__MASK = 'h800000;
779  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__APSTE__DFLT = 'h0;
780 // RO: FIS-Based Switching Capable Port - not implemented
781  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FBSCP__ADDR = 'h46;
782  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FBSCP__MASK = 'h400000;
783  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FBSCP__DFLT = 'h0;
784 // RO: External SATA port
785  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ESP__ADDR = 'h46;
786  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ESP__MASK = 'h200000;
787  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ESP__DFLT = 'h200000;
788 // RO: Cold Presence Detection
789  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPD__ADDR = 'h46;
790  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPD__MASK = 'h100000;
791  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPD__DFLT = 'h0;
792 // RO: Mechanical Presence Switch Attached to Port
793  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSP__ADDR = 'h46;
794  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSP__MASK = 'h80000;
795  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSP__DFLT = 'h0;
796 // RO: Hot Plug Capable Port
797  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__HPCP__ADDR = 'h46;
798  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__HPCP__MASK = 'h40000;
799  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__HPCP__DFLT = 'h40000;
800 // RW: Port Multiplier Attached - not implemented (software should write this bit)
801  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__PMA__ADDR = 'h46;
802  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__PMA__MASK = 'h20000;
803  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__PMA__DFLT = 'h0;
804 // RO: Cold Presence State
805  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPS__ADDR = 'h46;
806  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPS__MASK = 'h10000;
807  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CPS__DFLT = 'h0;
808 // RO: Command List Running (section 5.3.2)
809  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CR__ADDR = 'h46;
810  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CR__MASK = 'h8000;
811  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CR__DFLT = 'h0;
812 // RO: FIS Receive Running (section 10.3.2)
813  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FR__ADDR = 'h46;
814  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FR__MASK = 'h4000;
815  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FR__DFLT = 'h0;
816 // RO: Mechanical Presence Switch State
817  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSS__ADDR = 'h46;
818  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSS__MASK = 'h2000;
819  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__MPSS__DFLT = 'h0;
820 // RO: Current Command Slot (when PxCMD.ST 1-> ) should be reset to 0, when 0->1 - highest priority is 0
821  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CCS__ADDR = 'h46;
822  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CCS__MASK = 'h1f00;
823  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CCS__DFLT = 'h0;
824 // RW: FIS Receive Enable (enable after FIS memory is set)
825  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__ADDR = 'h46;
826  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__MASK = 'h10;
827  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__FRE__DFLT = 'h0;
828 // RW1: Command List Override
829  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CLO__ADDR = 'h46;
830  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CLO__MASK = 'h8;
831  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__CLO__DFLT = 'h0;
832 // RO: Power On Device (RW with Cold Presence Detection)
833  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__POD__ADDR = 'h46;
834  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__POD__MASK = 'h4;
835  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__POD__DFLT = 'h4;
836 // RO: Spin-Up Device (RW with Staggered Spin-Up Support)
837  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__SUD__ADDR = 'h46;
838  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__SUD__MASK = 'h2;
839  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__SUD__DFLT = 'h2;
840 // RW: Start (HBA may process commands). See section 10.3.1
841  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__ADDR = 'h46;
842  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__MASK = 'h1;
843  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCMD__ST__DFLT = 'h0;
844 // RO: Latest Copy of Task File Error Register
845  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__ERR__ADDR = 'h48;
846  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__ERR__MASK = 'hff00;
847  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__ERR__DFLT = 'h0;
848 // RO: Latest Copy of Task File Status Register: BSY
849  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__BSY__ADDR = 'h48;
850  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__BSY__MASK = 'h80;
851  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__BSY__DFLT = 'h0;
852 // RO: Latest Copy of Task File Status Register: command-specific bits 4..6
853  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__64__ADDR = 'h48;
854  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__64__MASK = 'h70;
855  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__64__DFLT = 'h0;
856 // RO: Latest Copy of Task File Status Register: DRQ
857  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__DRQ__ADDR = 'h48;
858  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__DRQ__MASK = 'h8;
859  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__DRQ__DFLT = 'h0;
860 // RO: Latest Copy of Task File Status Register: command-specific bits 1..2
861  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__12__ADDR = 'h48;
862  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__12__MASK = 'h6;
863  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__12__DFLT = 'h0;
864 // RO: Latest Copy of Task File Status Register: ERR
865  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__ERR__ADDR = 'h48;
866  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__ERR__MASK = 'h1;
867  localparam HBA_PORT__PxTFD__STS__ERR__DFLT = 'h0;
868 // RO: Data in the first D2H Register FIS
869  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSIG__SIG__ADDR = 'h49;
870  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSIG__SIG__MASK = 'hffffffff;
871  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSIG__SIG__DFLT = 'hffffffff;
872 // RO: Interface Power Management
873  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__IPM__ADDR = 'h4a;
874  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__IPM__MASK = 'hf00;
875  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__IPM__DFLT = 'h0;
876 // RO: Interface Speed
877  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__SPD__ADDR = 'h4a;
878  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__SPD__MASK = 'hf0;
879  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__SPD__DFLT = 'h0;
880 // RO: Device Detection (should be detected if COMINIT is received)
881  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__DET__ADDR = 'h4a;
882  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__DET__MASK = 'hf;
883  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSSTS__DET__DFLT = 'h0;
884 // RO: Port Multiplier Port - not used by AHCI
885  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__PMP__ADDR = 'h4b;
886  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__PMP__MASK = 'hf0000;
887  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__PMP__DFLT = 'h0;
888 // RO: Select Power Management - not used by AHCI
889  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__SPM__ADDR = 'h4b;
890  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__SPM__MASK = 'hf000;
891  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__SPM__DFLT = 'h0;
892 // RW: Interface Power Management Transitions Allowed
893  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__IPM__ADDR = 'h4b;
894  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__IPM__MASK = 'hf00;
895  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__IPM__DFLT = 'h0;
896 // RW: Interface Highest Speed
897  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__SPD__ADDR = 'h4b;
898  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__SPD__MASK = 'hf0;
899  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__SPD__DFLT = 'h0;
900 // RW: Device Detection Initialization
901  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__DET__ADDR = 'h4b;
902  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__DET__MASK = 'hf;
903  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSCTL__DET__DFLT = 'h0;
904 // RWC: Exchanged (set on COMINIT), reflected in PxIS.PCS
905  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__ADDR = 'h4c;
906  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__MASK = 'h4000000;
907  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__X__DFLT = 'h0;
908 // RWC: Unknown FIS
909  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__F__ADDR = 'h4c;
910  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__F__MASK = 'h2000000;
911  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__F__DFLT = 'h0;
912 // RWC: Transport state transition error
913  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__T__ADDR = 'h4c;
914  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__T__MASK = 'h1000000;
915  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__T__DFLT = 'h0;
916 // RWC: Link sequence error
917  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__S__ADDR = 'h4c;
918  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__S__MASK = 'h800000;
919  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__S__DFLT = 'h0;
920 // RWC: Handshake Error (i.e. Device got CRC error)
921  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__H__ADDR = 'h4c;
922  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__H__MASK = 'h400000;
923  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__H__DFLT = 'h0;
924 // RWC: CRC error in Link layer
925  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__C__ADDR = 'h4c;
926  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__C__MASK = 'h200000;
927  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__C__DFLT = 'h0;
928 // RWC: Disparity Error - not used by AHCI
929  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__D__ADDR = 'h4c;
930  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__D__MASK = 'h100000;
931  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__D__DFLT = 'h0;
932 // RWC: 10B to 8B decode error
933  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__B__ADDR = 'h4c;
934  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__B__MASK = 'h80000;
935  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__B__DFLT = 'h0;
936 // RWC: COMMWAKE signal was detected
937  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__W__ADDR = 'h4c;
938  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__W__MASK = 'h40000;
939  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__W__DFLT = 'h0;
940 // RWC: PHY Internal Error
941  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__I__ADDR = 'h4c;
942  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__I__MASK = 'h20000;
943  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__I__DFLT = 'h0;
944 // RWC: PhyRdy changed. Reflected in PxIS.PRCS bit.
945  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__N__ADDR = 'h4c;
946  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__N__MASK = 'h10000;
947  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__DIAG__N__DFLT = 'h0;
948 // RWC: Internal Error
949  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__E__ADDR = 'h4c;
950  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__E__MASK = 'h800;
951  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__E__DFLT = 'h0;
952 // RWC: Protocol Error - a violation of SATA protocol detected
953  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__P__ADDR = 'h4c;
954  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__P__MASK = 'h400;
955  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__P__DFLT = 'h0;
956 // RWC: Persistent Communication or Data Integrity Error
957  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__C__ADDR = 'h4c;
958  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__C__MASK = 'h200;
959  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__C__DFLT = 'h0;
960 // RWC: Transient Data Integrity Error (error not recovered by the interface)
961  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__T__ADDR = 'h4c;
962  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__T__MASK = 'h100;
963  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__T__DFLT = 'h0;
964 // RWC: Communication between the device and host was lost but re-established
965  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__M__ADDR = 'h4c;
966  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__M__MASK = 'h2;
967  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__M__DFLT = 'h0;
968 // RWC: Recovered Data integrity Error
969  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__I__ADDR = 'h4c;
970  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__I__MASK = 'h1;
971  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSERR__ERR__I__DFLT = 'h0;
972 // RW1: Device Status: bit per Port, for TAG in native queued command
973  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSACT__DS__ADDR = 'h4d;
974  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSACT__DS__MASK = 'hffffffff;
975  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSACT__DS__DFLT = 'h0;
976 // RW1: Command Issued: bit per Port, only set when PxCMD.ST==1, also cleared by PxCMD.ST: 1->0 by soft
977  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__ADDR = 'h4e;
978  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__MASK = 'hffffffff;
979  localparam HBA_PORT__PxCI__CI__DFLT = 'h0;
980 // RWC: PM Notify (bit per PM port)
981  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSNTF__PMN__ADDR = 'h4f;
982  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSNTF__PMN__MASK = 'hffff;
983  localparam HBA_PORT__PxSNTF__PMN__DFLT = 'h0;
984 // RO: Device with Error
985  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DWE__ADDR = 'h50;
986  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DWE__MASK = 'hf0000;
987  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DWE__DFLT = 'h0;
988 // RO: Active Device Optimization
989  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__ADO__ADDR = 'h50;
990  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__ADO__MASK = 'hf000;
991  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__ADO__DFLT = 'h0;
992 // RW: Device To Issue
993  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DEV__ADDR = 'h50;
994  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DEV__MASK = 'hf00;
995  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DEV__DFLT = 'h0;
996 // RO: Single Device Error
997  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__SDE__ADDR = 'h50;
998  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__SDE__MASK = 'h4;
999  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__SDE__DFLT = 'h0;
1000 // RW1: Device Error Clear
1001  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DEC__ADDR = 'h50;
1002  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DEC__MASK = 'h2;
1003  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__DEC__DFLT = 'h0;
1004 // RW: Enable
1005  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__EN__ADDR = 'h50;
1006  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__EN__MASK = 'h1;
1007  localparam HBA_PORT__PxFBS__EN__DFLT = 'h0;
1008 // RO: DITO Multiplier
1009  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DM__ADDR = 'h51;
1010  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DM__MASK = 'h1e000000;
1011  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DM__DFLT = 'h0;
1012 // RW: Device Sleep Idle Timeout (section
1013  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DITO__ADDR = 'h51;
1014  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DITO__MASK = 'h1ff8000;
1015  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DITO__DFLT = 'h0;
1016 // RW: Minimum Device Sleep Assertion Time
1017  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__MDAT__ADDR = 'h51;
1018  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__MDAT__MASK = 'h7c00;
1019  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__MDAT__DFLT = 'h0;
1020 // RW: Device Sleep Exit Timeout
1021  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DETO__ADDR = 'h51;
1022  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DETO__MASK = 'h3fc;
1023  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DETO__DFLT = 'h0;
1024 // RO: Device Sleep Present
1025  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DSP__ADDR = 'h51;
1026  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DSP__MASK = 'h2;
1027  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__DSP__DFLT = 'h0;
1028 // RO: Aggressive Device Sleep Enable
1029  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__ADSE__ADDR = 'h51;
1030  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__ADSE__MASK = 'h1;
1031  localparam HBA_PORT__PxDEVSLP__ADSE__DFLT = 'h0;
1032 // RW: SAXIHP write channel cache mode
1033  localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__WR_CM__ADDR = 'h5c;
1034  localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__WR_CM__MASK = 'hf0;
1035  localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__WR_CM__DFLT = 'h30;
1036 // RW: SAXIHP read channel cache mode
1037  localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__RD_CM__ADDR = 'h5c;
1038  localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__RD_CM__MASK = 'hf;
1039  localparam HBA_PORT__AFI_CACHE__RD_CM__DFLT = 'h3;
1040 // RW: Address/not data for programming AHCI state machine
1041  localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__AnD__ADDR = 'h5d;
1042  localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__AnD__MASK = 'h1000000;
1043  localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__AnD__DFLT = 'h0;
1044 // RW: Program address/data for programming AHCI state machine
1045  localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__ADDR = 'h5d;
1046  localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__MASK = 'h3ffff;
1047  localparam HBA_PORT__PGM_AHCI_SM__PGM_AD__DFLT = 'h0;
1048 // RW: 3-bit tag to add to the recorded timestamp
1049  localparam HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__ADDR = 'h5e;
1050  localparam HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__MASK = 'h7;
1051  localparam HBA_PORT__PunchTime__TAG__DFLT = 'h0;
1054 localparam FIS_H2DR = 'h27;
1055 localparam FIS_D2HR = 'h34;
1056 localparam FIS_DMAA = 'h39;
1057 localparam FIS_DMAS = 'h41;
1058 localparam FIS_DATA = 'h46;
1059 localparam FIS_BIST = 'h58;
1060 localparam FIS_PIOS = 'h5f;
1061 localparam FIS_SDB = 'ha1;
1063  // Reset addresses - later use generated
1064  localparam LABEL_POR = 11'h000;
1065  localparam LABEL_HBA_RST = 11'h002;
1066  localparam LABEL_PORT_RST = 11'h004;
1067  localparam LABEL_COMINIT = 11'h006;
1068  localparam LABEL_ST_CLEARED = 11'h008;
1070  wire tfd_bsy = tfd_sts[7];
1071  wire tfd_drq = tfd_sts[3];
1072  wire tfd_sts_err = tfd_sts[0];
1074  reg [ 9:0] pgm_waddr;
1075 // wire pgm_ren;
1076 // wire pgm_regen;
1077  wire cond_met_w; // calculated from signals and program conditions decoder
1078  reg [ 9:0] pgm_jump_addr;
1079  reg [ 9:0] pgm_addr;
1080  wire [17:0] pgm_data;
1081  reg was_rst;
1082 // reg jump_r;
1083  reg [2:0] fsm_jump;
1084  wire fsm_next;
1085 // reg fsm_next_r;
1086  reg fsm_actions; // processing actions
1087  reg dis_actions; // disable actions during async jump
1088  reg fsm_act_busy;
1089  reg [1:0] fsm_transitions; // processing transitions
1090  reg fsm_preload; // read first sequence data (2 cycles for regen)
1091 // wire [7:0] precond_w = pgm_data[17:10]; // select what to use - cond_met_w valis after precond_w, same time as conditions
1092 // reg [7:0] conditions;
1093 // wire pre_jump_w = (|async_pend_r) ? async_ackn : |(cond_met_w & fsm_transitions[1]);
1095  wire fsm_act_done_w = get_fis_done ||
1096  xmit_done ||
1098  dma_abort_done ||
1099  asynq_rq; // cominit_got || pcmd_st_cleared
1100  reg fsm_act_done; // made later by 1 cycle so the new conditions are latched // TODO:check is enough ? Adding 1 extra
1101  reg fsm_act_pre_done;
1102  wire fsm_wait_act_w = pgm_data[16]; // this action requires waiting for done
1103  wire fsm_last_act_w = pgm_data[17];
1105  wire fsm_pre_act_w = !dis_actions && fsm_actions && fsm_next; // use it as CS for generated actions (registered)
1107  reg [1:0] async_pend_r; // waiting to process cominit_got
1108  reg async_from_st; // change to multi-bit if there will be more sources for async transitions
1109 // wire asynq_rq = (cominit_got && unsolicited_cominit_en) || pcmd_st_cleared;
1111  // OK to wait for some time fsm_act_busy is supposed to never hang up
1112  wire async_ackn = !fsm_preload && async_pend_r[0] && ((fsm_actions && !update_busy && !fsm_act_busy) || fsm_transitions[0]); // OK to process async jump
1113 // reg x_rdy_collision_pend;
1114  reg syncesc_send_pend; // waiting for 'syncesc_send' confiramtion 'syncesc_send_done'
1115  reg [1:0] phy_ready_prev; // previous state of phy_ready / speed
1116  reg phy_ready_chng_r; // pulse when phy_ready changes
1118  reg was_last_action_r; // delay last action if it was fsm_wait_act;
1120  wire fsm_transitions_w = // next will be transitions processing
1124  wire conditions_ce = // copy all conditions to the register so they will not change while iterating through them
1126 // reg unsolicited_cominit_en; // allow unsolicited COMINITs
1127 // wire en_cominit; // en_cominit
1129  // New variable:
1130  reg pisn32; // pIssueSlot != 32
1131  wire clear_pisn32; // additional clear when in P:NotRunning state
1133  assign fsm_next = (fsm_preload || (fsm_actions && !update_busy && !fsm_act_busy) || fsm_transitions[0]) && !async_pend_r[0]; // quiet if received cominit is pending
1134  assign update_all = fsm_jump[0];
1136  assign ssts_ipm_dnp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 0); // device not present or communication not established
1137  assign ssts_ipm_active = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev != 0); // device in active state
1138  assign ssts_ipm_part = 0; // device in partial state
1139  assign ssts_ipm_slumb = 0; // device in slumber state
1140  assign ssts_ipm_devsleep = 0; // device in DevSleep state
1142  assign ssts_spd_dnp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 0); // device not present or communication not established
1143  assign ssts_spd_gen1 = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 1); // Gen 1 rate negotiated
1144  assign ssts_spd_gen2 = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 2); // Gen 2 rate negotiated
1145  assign ssts_spd_gen3 = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 3); // Gen 3 rate negotiated
1147  assign ssts_det_ndnp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev == 0); // no device detected, phy communication not established
1148 // assign ssts_det_dnp = 0; // device detected, but phy communication not established
1149  assign ssts_det_dp = phy_ready_chng_r && (phy_ready_prev != 0); // device detected, phy communication established
1151  assign sirq_OF = 0; // RWC: Overflow Status (buffer overrun - should not happen, add?)
1152  assign sirq_PRC = phy_ready_chng_r; // RO: PhyRdy changed Status
1156  // Writing to the FSM program memory
1157  always @ (posedge aclk) begin
1158  if (arst) pgm_waddr <= 0;
1159  else if (pgm_wa) pgm_waddr <= pgm_ad[ 9:0];
1160  else if (pgm_wd) pgm_waddr <= pgm_waddr + 1;
1161  end
1163  always @ (posedge mclk) begin
1164  if (hba_rst || pxci0_clear || clear_pisn32) pisn32 <= 0;
1165  else if (fetch_cmd) pisn32 <= 1;
1167  end
1169  always @ (posedge mclk) begin
1170 /// if (hba_rst) unsolicited_cominit_en <= !was_port_rst;
1171 // else if (en_cominit || comreset_send) unsolicited_cominit_en <= en_cominit;
1175 // else if (async_pend_r[1]) pgm_jump_addr <= async_from_st? LABEL_ST_CLEARED : LABEL_COMINIT;
1177  else if (fsm_transitions[0] && (!cond_met_w || !fsm_transitions[1])) pgm_jump_addr <= pgm_data[9:0];
1179  was_rst <= hba_rst;
1181 /// fsm_act_done <= fsm_act_done_w; // delay by 1 clock cycle
1182  fsm_act_pre_done <= fsm_act_done_w; // delay by 1 clock cycle
1183  fsm_act_done <= fsm_act_pre_done; // TODO - verify delay by 2 is needed to latch
1184  fsm_jump <= {fsm_jump[1:0], pre_jump_w | (was_rst & ~hba_rst)};
1186  if (fsm_jump[0]) pgm_addr <= pgm_jump_addr;
1187  else if (fsm_next) pgm_addr <= pgm_addr + 1;
1189  if (fsm_jump[0]) last_jump_addr <= pgm_jump_addr; // debug feature
1191 // if (hba_rst) conditions <= 0;
1192 // if (fsm_transitions[0]) conditions <= precond_w;
1194  if (hba_rst) fsm_actions <= 0;
1195  else if (fsm_jump[2]) fsm_actions <= 1;
1196  else if (fsm_last_act_w && fsm_next) fsm_actions <= 0;
1198  if (hba_rst) dis_actions <= 0;
1199  else if (|async_pend_r) dis_actions <= 1;
1200  else if (fsm_jump[2]) dis_actions <= 0;
1205  if (hba_rst || pre_jump_w) fsm_transitions <= 0;
1206  else if (fsm_transitions_w) fsm_transitions <= 1;
1207 // else if ((fsm_last_act_w && fsm_actions && fsm_next && !fsm_wait_act_w) ||
1208 // (fsm_act_busy && fsm_act_done && was_last_action_r) ) fsm_transitions <= 1;
1211  if (hba_rst) fsm_preload <= 0;
1212  else fsm_preload <= |fsm_jump[1:0];
1214  if (hba_rst) fsm_act_busy <= 0;
1216  else if (fsm_act_done) fsm_act_busy <= 0;
1218  if (hba_rst) async_from_st <= 0;
1219  else if (pcmd_st_cleared) async_from_st <= 1;
1220  else if (asynq_rq) async_from_st <= 0;
1222  if (hba_rst) async_pend_r <= 0;
1223 /// else async_pend_r <= {async_pend_r[0], asynq_rq | (async_pend_r[0] & ~async_ackn)};
1224  else async_pend_r <= {async_pend_r[0], (asynq_rq | async_pend_r[0]) & ~async_ackn};
1227 // if (hba_rst || pcmd_cr_set) x_rdy_collision_pend <= 0;
1228 // else if (x_rdy_collision) x_rdy_collision_pend <= 1;
1231  else if (syncesc_send) syncesc_send_pend <= 1;
1233  if (was_rst && !hba_rst && !was_hba_rst && !was_port_rst) phy_ready_prev <= 0;
1238  end
1241  .REGISTERS(1),
1242  .LOG2WIDTH_WR(4),
1243  .LOG2WIDTH_RD(4), .INIT_00 (256'h00100000000E0000000C02020035000000220000000C0000000A0000000C0000)
1244 , .INIT_01 (256'h1C3C9449543244190060001B0108001B00500402040401040022000600120000)
1245 , .INIT_02 (256'h001BC8300014000C0210002B2507250E0180001B0003004200180000001B4455)
1246 , .INIT_03 (256'h4C6B2C45141B0012003C01080028000A040800220410001B01020110001B0005)
1247 , .INIT_04 (256'h0210001B14490102005004020404003CB080707D00A0003C8C6E845584C7443A)
1248 , .INIT_05 (256'h000000512507250E0240004F2507250E0240005F0000003C0000001B0210003C)
1249 , .INIT_06 (256'h02200204006E0402009000EEA89968FC18F518D498B058E0388564570C27045B)
1250 , .INIT_07 (256'h003CB0800000005300840022003CB080707D307A30FC02080074D10E5104903C)
1251 , .INIT_08 (256'h2891290A0000000000000014021000892507250E018000A2D1070120003C0000)
1252 , .INIT_09 (256'h0CB6290A0210009D2507250E04400053000C009700050097C895002200440097)
1253 , .INIT_0A (256'h00530081005348AE00220044003C48AE28AA290A0000000000000024003C4882)
1254 , .INIT_0B (256'h0044008800BED1075104042000BA883C08A2003000B6021000B42507250E0240)
1255 , .INIT_0C (256'h0048021000CEC50E2507250700C000C90030003C88A200300009003C88A250C3)
1256 , .INIT_0D (256'h003C34DB000000DD001100DDC8DB021000D82507250E0140003C88A250C30044)
1257 , .INIT_0E (256'h250E0480005301010053C8EC290A0000000000000014021000E42507250E0280)
1258 , .INIT_0F (256'h01002507250E024001020082021000F92507250E0240003C0401021000F22507)
1259 , .INIT_10 (256'h00410410010C0000010C0201010C00210410010C002100840102000001020210)
1260 , .INIT_11 (256'h000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003C)
1261 , .INITP_00 (256'h08802605C240900789C9C8888A000C25062040820809C8020188800222222222)
1262 , .INITP_01 (256'h27209C82720A00270882271A009C86068072E22721816802A89C882068009C32)
1263 , .INITP_02 (256'h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000082220822)
1265  ) fsm_pgm_mem_i (
1266  .rclk (mclk), // input
1267  .raddr (pgm_addr), // input[10:0]
1268  .ren (fsm_next), // input
1269  .regen (fsm_next), // input
1270  .data_out (pgm_data), // output[17:0]
1271  .wclk (aclk), // input
1272  .waddr (pgm_waddr), // input[10:0]
1273  .we (pgm_wd), // input
1274  .web (4'hf), // input[7:0]
1275  .data_in (pgm_ad) // input[17:0]
1276  );
1278  action_decoder action_decoder_i (
1279  .clk (mclk), // input
1280  .enable (fsm_pre_act_w), // input
1281  .data (pgm_data[10:0]), // input[10:0]
1282  // CTRL_STAT
1283  .PXSERR_DIAG_X (sirq_PC), // output reg
1284  .SIRQ_DHR (sirq_DHR), // output reg
1285  .SIRQ_DP (sirq_DP), // output reg
1286  .SIRQ_DS (sirq_DS), // output reg
1287  .SIRQ_IF (sirq_IF), // output reg
1288  .SIRQ_INF (sirq_INF), // output reg
1289  .SIRQ_PS (sirq_PS), // output reg
1290  .SIRQ_SDB (sirq_SDB), // output reg
1291  .SIRQ_TFE (sirq_TFE), // output reg
1292  .SIRQ_UF (sirq_UF), // output reg
1293  .PFSM_STARTED (pfsm_started), // output reg
1294  .PCMD_CR_CLEAR (pcmd_cr_reset), // output reg
1295  .PCMD_CR_SET (pcmd_cr_set), // output reg
1296  .PXCI0_CLEAR (pxci0_clear), // output reg
1297  .PXSSTS_DET_1 (ssts_det_dnp), // output reg
1298  .SSTS_DET_OFFLINE (ssts_det_offline), // output reg
1299  .SCTL_DET_CLEAR (sctl_det_reset), // output reg
1300  .HBA_RST_DONE (hba_rst_done), // output reg
1301  // FIS RECEIVE
1302  .SET_UPDATE_SIG (set_update_sig), // output reg
1303  .UPDATE_SIG (update_sig), // output reg
1304  .UPDATE_ERR_STS (update_err_sts), // output reg
1305  .UPDATE_PIO (update_pio), // output reg
1306  .UPDATE_PRDBC (update_prdbc), // output reg
1307  .CLEAR_BSY_DRQ (clear_bsy_drq), // output reg
1308  .CLEAR_BSY_SET_DRQ (clear_bsy_set_drq), // output reg
1309  .SET_BSY (set_bsy), // output reg
1310  .SET_STS_7F (set_sts_7f), // output reg
1311  .SET_STS_80 (set_sts_80), // output reg
1312  .XFER_CNTR_CLEAR (clear_xfer_cntr), // output reg
1313  .DECR_DWCR (decr_dwcr), // output reg
1314  .DECR_DWCW (decr_dwcw), // output reg
1315  .FIS_FIRST_FLUSH (fis_first_flush), // output reg
1317  .CLEAR_CMD_TO_ISSUE (clearCmdToIssue), // output reg
1318  // DMA
1319  .DMA_ABORT (dma_cmd_abort), // output reg
1320  .DMA_PRD_IRQ_CLEAR (dma_prd_irq_clear), // output reg
1322  .XMIT_COMRESET (comreset_send), // output reg
1323  .SEND_SYNC_ESC (syncesc_send), // output reg
1324  .SET_OFFLINE (set_offline), // output reg
1325  .R_OK (send_R_OK), // output reg
1326  .R_ERR (send_R_ERR), // output reg
1327 // .EN_COMINIT (en_cominit), // output reg
1328  .EN_COMINIT (clear_pisn32), // output reg
1330  .FETCH_CMD (fetch_cmd), // output reg
1331  .ATAPI_XMIT (atapi_xmit), // output reg
1332  .CFIS_XMIT (cfis_xmit), // output reg
1333  .DX_XMIT (dx_xmit), // output reg
1335  .GET_DATA_FIS (get_data_fis), // output reg
1336  .GET_DSFIS (get_dsfis), // output reg
1337  .GET_IGNORE (get_ignore), // output reg
1338  .GET_PSFIS (get_psfis), // output reg
1339  .GET_RFIS (get_rfis), // output reg
1340  .GET_SDBFIS (get_sdbfis), // output reg
1341  .GET_UFIS (get_ufis) // output reg
1342  );
1344 // Condition inputs may be registered if needed
1345  condition_mux condition_mux_i (
1346  .clk (mclk), // input
1347  .ce (conditions_ce), // input
1348  .sel (pgm_data[17:10]), // input[7:0]
1349  .condition (cond_met_w), // output
1351  .ST_NB_ND (pcmd_st && !tfd_bsy &&!tfd_drq), // input PxCMD.ST & !PxTFD.STS.BSY & !PxTFD.STS.DRQ
1352 // .PXCI0_NOT_CMDTOISSUE (pxci0 && !pCmdToIssue), // input pxci0 && !pCmdToIssue was pIssueSlot==32, -> p:SelectCmd
1353  .PXCI0_NOT_CMDTOISSUE (pxci0 && !pisn32), // input pxci0 && !pCmdToIssue was pIssueSlot==32, -> p:SelectCmd
1354  .PCTI_CTBAR_XCZ (pCmdToIssue && xfer_cntr_zero && ch_r ), // input pCmdToIssue && ch_r && xfer_cntr_zero
1355  .PCTI_XCZ (pCmdToIssue && xfer_cntr_zero), // input pCmdToIssue && xfer_cntr_zero
1356  .NST_D2HR (!pcmd_st && (fis_type == FIS_D2HR)), // input !ST && (FIS == FIS_D2HR) TODO: does it mean either BSY or DRQ are 1?
1357  .NPD_NCA (!pio_d && !ch_a), // input pio_d = 0 && ch_a == 0
1358  .CHW_DMAA (ch_w && dma_a), // input ch_w && dma_a
1359  // CTRL_STAT
1360  .SCTL_DET_CHANGED_TO_4 (sctl_det_changed && (sctl_det == 4)), // input (requires sctl_det_reset after)
1361  .SCTL_DET_CHANGED_TO_1 (sctl_det_changed && (sctl_det == 1)), // input (requires sctl_det_reset after)
1362  .PXSSTS_DET_NE_3 (ssts_det != 3), // input ssts_det!=3, // device detected, phy communication not established
1363  .PXSSTS_DET_EQ_1 (ssts_det == 1), // input
1364  .NPCMD_FRE (!pxcmd_fre), // input !pcmd_fre (docs: goto P:NotRunning, but we need to clear FIFO)
1365  // FIS RECEIVE
1366  .FIS_OK (fis_ok), // input
1367  .FIS_ERR (fis_err), // input
1368  .FIS_FERR (fis_ferr), // input
1369  .FIS_EXTRA (fis_extra), // input
1371  .FR_D2HR (fis_first_vld && (fis_type == FIS_D2HR)), // input fis_first_vld & fis_type == 0x34 (D2H Register)
1372  .FIS_DATA (fis_first_vld && (fis_type == FIS_DATA)), // input fis_first_vld && (fis_type == 'h46)
1373  .FIS_ANY (fis_first_vld), // input
1374  .NB_ND_D2HR_PIO (((fis_type == FIS_D2HR) || (fis_type == FIS_PIOS)) && !tfd_bsy && !tfd_drq), // input ((FIS == FIS_D2HR) || (FIS == FIS_PIOS)) && !PxTFD.STS.BSY & !PxTFD.STS.DRQ
1375  .D2HR ( fis_type == FIS_D2HR), // input FIS == FIS_D2HR
1376  .SDB ( fis_type == FIS_SDB), // input
1377  .DMA_ACT ( fis_type == FIS_DMAA), // input
1378  .DMA_SETUP ( fis_type == FIS_DMAS), // input
1379  .BIST_ACT_FE (( fis_type == FIS_BIST) && (|bist_bits)), // input FIS == FIS_BIST && |bist_bits
1380  .BIST_ACT (( fis_type == FIS_BIST)), // input FIS == FIS_BIST# && !(|bist_bits)
1381  .PIO_SETUP ( fis_type == FIS_PIOS), // input
1382  .NB_ND (!tfd_bsy &&!tfd_drq), // input PxTFD.STS.BSY =’0’ and PxTFD.STS.DRQ =’0’
1383  .TFD_STS_ERR ( tfd_sts_err), // input tfd_sts[0]
1384  .FIS_I (fis_i), // input
1385  .PIO_I (pio_i), // input
1386  .NPD (!pio_d), // input pio_d = 0 , "ch_a == 1" is not needed
1387  .PIOX (pPioXfer), // input
1388  .XFER0 (xfer_cntr_zero && !dma_cmd_busy), // input xfer_cntr_zero
1389  .PIOX_XFER0 (pPioXfer && xfer_cntr_zero &&!dma_cmd_busy), // input pPioXfer && xfer_cntr_zero
1391  .CTBAA_CTBAP (ch_a && ch_p), // input
1392  .CTBAP (ch_p), // input
1393  .CTBA_B (ch_b), // input
1394  .CTBA_C (ch_c), // input
1395  .TX_ERR (dx_err[1]), // input dx_err[1] (reset by new command)
1396  .SYNCESC_ERR (dx_err[0]), // input
1397  // DMA
1398  .DMA_PRD_IRQ_PEND (dma_prd_irq_pend), // input
1400  .X_RDY_COLLISION (dx_err[2]) //x_rdy_collision_pend) // input
1401  );
1405 /*
1406  output update_all,
1407  input update_busy, // valid same cycle as update_all
1410 Notes:
1411  Implement sync esc request/ackn in TL (available in LL)
1412 */
1413 endmodule
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:286
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:280
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:64
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:281
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:43
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:270
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:118
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:275
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:38
reg 14510PXSERR_DIAG_X
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:144
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:299
[ 7:0] 14564sel
Definition: condition_mux.v:15
reg 14546SEND_SYNC_ESC
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:140
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:57
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:278
[7:0] 13492tfd_sts
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:204
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:125
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:132
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:279
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:312
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:297
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:151
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:172
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:175
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:187
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:159
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:188
[7:0] 13463fis_type
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:162
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:310
[17:0] 13403pgm_ad
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:44
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:302
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:52
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:266
[9 << LOG2WIDTH_WR-3-1:0] 11679data_in
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:183
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:195
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:203
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:142
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:130
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:51
reg 14527HBA_RST_DONE
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:269
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:168
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:180
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:39
[3:0] 13448ssts_det
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:133
[7:0] 13464bist_bits
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:163
reg 14533CLEAR_BSY_DRQ
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:287
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:322
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:104
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:230
reg 14555GET_DATA_FIS
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:129
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:316
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:101
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:200
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:126
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:282
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:166
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:197
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:263
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:259
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:191
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:121
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:124
fsm_pgm_mem_i ram18p_var_w_var_r
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:432
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:292
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:176
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:99
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:170
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:107
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:224
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:45
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:212
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:120
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:231
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:171
[10:0] 14509data
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:273
condition_mux_i condition_mux
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:517
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:307
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:37
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:211
[ 2:0] 13505dx_err
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:235
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:323
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:85
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:113
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:169
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:262
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:97
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:53
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:300
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:308
[9 << LOG2WIDTH_RD-3-1:0] 11674data_out
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:306
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:178
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:119
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:98
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:190
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:207
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:127
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:161
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:196
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:244
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:105
reg 14524PXSSTS_DET_1
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:122
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:131
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:304
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:217
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:154
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:158
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:58
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:271
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:92
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:199
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:276
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:102
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:145
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:69
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:227
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:202
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:258
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:153
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:100
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:90
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:223
action_decoder_i action_decoder
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:450
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:257
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:221
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:46
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:36
[1:0] 13406phy_ready
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:50
reg [ 9:0] 13513last_jump_addr
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:247
[3:0] 13449sctl_det
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:138
[13-LOG2WIDTH_RD:0] 11671raddr
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:256
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:106
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:55
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:272
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:192
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:309
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:177
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:264
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:149
reg 14521PCMD_CR_CLEAR
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:226
[13-LOG2WIDTH_WR:0] 11676waddr
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:294
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:260
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:93
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:68
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:194
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:167
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:174
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:139
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:103
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:108
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:84
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:295
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:293
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:150
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:42
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:54
Definition: ahci_fsm.v:209