
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*!********************************************************************************
00002 *! FILE NAME  : cxi2c.c
00003 *! DESCRIPTION: I2c driver for FPGA communicating to sensors, software implementation
00004 *! Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Elphel, Inc.
00005 *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
00006 *!
00007 *!  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00008 *!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00009 *!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00010 *!  (at your option) any later version.
00011 *!
00012 *!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00013 *!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00015 *!  GNU General Public License for more details.
00016 *!
00017 *!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00018 *!  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00019 *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
00020 *!  $Log: cxi2c.c,v $
00021 *!  Revision  2008/11/27 20:04:00  elphel
00022 *!
00023 *!
00024 *!  Revision 1.7  2008/09/20 00:29:49  elphel
00025 *!  moved driver major/minor numbers to a single file - include/asm-cris/elphel/driver_numbers.h
00026 *!
00027 *!  Revision 1.6  2008/09/12 00:23:58  elphel
00028 *!  removed cc353.c, cc353.h
00029 *!
00030 *!  Revision 1.5  2008/09/05 23:20:26  elphel
00031 *!  just a snapshot
00032 *!
00033 *!  Revision 1.4  2008/08/25 19:07:23  elphel
00034 *!  just a snapshot
00035 *!
00036 *!  Revision 1.3  2008/07/27 04:27:49  elphel
00037 *!  next snapshot
00038 *!
00039 *!  Revision 1.2  2008/06/19 02:17:36  elphel
00040 *!  continuing work - just a snapshot
00041 *!
00042 *!  Revision 1.7  2008/04/11 23:16:51  elphel
00043 *!  removed unneeded local_irq_disable() after local_irq_save_flags()
00044 *!
00045 *!  Revision 1.6  2008/03/16 01:25:15  elphel
00046 *!  increased default delays fro I2c bus 1 (EEPROM was not fast enough)
00047 *!
00048 *!  Revision 1.5  2008/02/18 20:02:34  elphel
00049 *!  added option to specify number of bytes to be actually written from device per read command (PHP feature fix)
00050 *!
00051 *!  Revision 1.4  2008/02/12 21:53:20  elphel
00052 *!  Modified I2c to support multiple buses, added raw access (no address registers) and per-slave protection bitmasks
00053 *!
00054 *!  Revision 1.3  2008/02/11 04:52:18  elphel
00055 *!  Modified I2C operations, added second bus to work with the 10369 (and future) board(s)
00056 *!
00057 *!  Revision 1.2  2007/10/16 23:18:31  elphel
00058 *!  added filtering I2C lines, r/w control of the I2C bit delays
00059 *!
00060 */
00062 /****************** INCLUDE FILES SECTION ***********************************/
00064 #include <linux/module.h>
00065 #include <linux/sched.h>
00066 #include <linux/slab.h>
00067 #include <linux/errno.h>
00068 #include <linux/kernel.h>
00069 #include <linux/fs.h>
00070 #include <linux/string.h>
00071 #include <linux/init.h>
00072 #include <linux/autoconf.h>
00074 #include <asm/system.h>
00075 //#include <asm/svinto.h>
00076 #include <asm/io.h>
00078 #include <asm/irq.h>
00080 #include <asm/delay.h>
00081 #include <asm/uaccess.h>
00082 #include <asm/elphel/driver_numbers.h>
00083 #include <asm/elphel/c313a.h>
00085 #include "fpgactrl.h"  // defines port_csp0_addr, port_csp4_addr 
00087 #include "x3x3.h"
00088 //#include "cc3x3.h"
00091 #include "cci2c.h"
00093 #define D(x)
00094 //#define D(x) printk("%s:%d:",__FILE__,__LINE__);x
00096 //#define PASSIVE_PULLUP y // Enable to remove active pullup on SCL SDA (just use pullup resistors)
00099 // implementing read/write/lseek for i2c - using a new major and several minors:
00100 // for 8 and 16 registers with and w/o autoincrement.
00101 // next minors - for less commomn i2c devices.
00102 // address space is considered to include 1 byte of register address and 7MSBs of slave address
00105 /****************** I2C DEFINITION SECTION *************************/
00106 #define CLOCK_LOW_TIME            8
00107 #define CLOCK_HIGH_TIME           8
00110 #define ENABLE_OUTPUT 0x01
00111 #define ENABLE_INPUT 0x00
00112 #define I2C_CLOCK_HIGH 1
00113 #define I2C_CLOCK_LOW 0
00114 #define I2C_DATA_HIGH 1
00115 #define I2C_DATA_LOW 0
00117 /* use the kernels delay routine */
00119 //#define i2c_delay(usecs) udelay(usecs)
00120 //#define i2c_delay(usecs) {}
00122 //Just removing delays is absolutely wrong (does not work with other sensors) what can be done - replacing constants with some run-time value(s) and set them individually for different sensors. For now - I'll use the standard values again.
00124 #define i2c_delay(usecs) udelay(usecs)
00125 #define I2C_DELAY_SCALE 1
00126 //#define X3X3_I2C_MAXMINOR 4  //
00127 //#define X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS 2  // number of i2c channels
00129 //volatile unsigned long ccam_cr_shadow=0;
00130 //extern volatile unsigned long ccam_cr_shadow;
00132 // currently delays are approximately  0.4usec+0.2usec*n and 0x01010000 works (~8usec/byte)
00133 // with deafult 20MHz pixel clock - 0x01010202, after clock is set to 48MHz 0x01010000 is enough
00135 /*
00136 struct i2c_timing_t {
00137         unsigned char scl_high; //0x02, //! SCL high:
00138         unsigned char scl_low;  //0x02, //! SCL low:
00139         unsigned char slave2master; //0x01, //! slave -> master
00140         unsigned char master2slave; //0x01, //! master -> slave
00141         unsigned char filter_sda;   //0x07, //! filter SDA read data by testing multiple times - currently just zero/non zero
00142         unsigned char filter_scl;  //0x07};//! filter SCL read data by testing multiple times - currently just zero/non zero 
00143 }
00144 */
00146 static struct i2c_timing_t bitdelays[X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS];
00148 /*
00149 static unsigned char bitdelays[6]= {0x02, //! SCL high:
00150                                     0x02, //! SCL low:
00151                                     0x01, //! slave -> master
00152                                     0x01, //! master -> slave
00153                                     0x07, //! filter SDA read data by testing multiple times - currently just zero/non zero
00154                                     0x07};//! filter SCL read data by testing multiple times - currently just zero/non zero 
00155 */
00160 void i2c_disable(int n);
00161 void i2c_dir_out(int n);
00162 void i2c_dir_in (int n);
00163 void i2c_scl_0  (int n);
00164 void i2c_scl_1  (int n);
00165 void i2c_sda    (int n, int d); /* d is checked against zero only, it does not need to be "1" */ 
00166 int i2c_getbit  (int n);
00167 int i2c_getscl(int n);                  /* just for i2c testing */
00168 int i2c_diagnose(int n);
00169 int i2c_start(int n);
00170 int i2c_restart(int n);
00171 int i2c_stop(int n);
00172 int i2c_outbyte(int n, unsigned char d);
00173 unsigned char i2c_inbyte(int n, int more);
00174 void i2c_sendack(int n, int ackn); // ackn= 1 - send ackn (low level), 0 - no ackn.
00176 int i2c_delays (unsigned long delays) { // will only change bus 0 this way
00177   unsigned long * bitdelays_long=(unsigned long *) bitdelays;
00178   if (delays !=0) bitdelays_long[0]=delays;
00179   return (int) bitdelays_long[0];
00180 }
00182 /* I2C functions */
00183 // redesign of i2c functions optimized for faster communications,
00184 // including FPGA <->FPGA transfers.
00185 // To make communications faster there are the following steps:
00186 // 1 - SCL is always driven by master - no waiting for the slave
00187 // 2 - SDA is actively driven high by the master (and expecting the same from the slave)
00188 //     SDA is driven high during SCL=0 when other party is known not to drive it low.
00189 // 3 - separate bus turn-over delays are added in addition to (shorter) bit delays
00190 // 4 - 4 delays are programmed as a single 32-bit word that can be changed to communicate with
00191 //     different slaves (i.e. FPGA and image sensor)
00192 /*
00193 #define x3x3_DELAY(x) {int iiii; for (iiii=0; iiii < (x); iiii++) X3X3_AFTERWRITE ; }
00195     #define   X313_WA_IOPINS    0x70  // bits [13:12] selecte  of the source of the control word:
00196     SCL=EXT[0]
00197     SDA=EXT[1]
00199   #define X3X3_I2C_SCL_0_BITS   0x10000 
00200   #define X3X3_I2C_SCL_1_BITS   0x20000 
00201   #define X3X3_I2C_SCL_Z_BITS   0x30000 
00202   #define X3X3_I2C_SDA_0_BITS   0x40000 
00203   #define X3X3_I2C_SDA_1_BITS   0x80000 
00204   #define X3X3_I2C_SDA_Z_BITS   0xc0000 
00205 X313_I2C_CMD
00206 */
00207 #define SCL1_0   0x1
00208 #define SCL1_OFF 0x3
00209 #define SDA1_0   0x4
00210 #define SDA1_OFF 0xc
00212 #ifdef PASSIVE_PULLUP
00213   #define SCL1_1   0x3  // same as off
00214   #define SDA1_1   0xc  // same as off
00215 #else
00216   #define SCL1_1   0x2
00217   #define SDA1_1   0x8
00218 #endif
00220 /*
00221 struct i2c_timing_t {
00222 0        unsigned char scl_high; //0x02, //! SCL high:
00223 1        unsigned char scl_low;  //0x02, //! SCL low:
00224 2        unsigned char slave2master; //0x01, //! slave -> master
00225 3        unsigned char master2slave; //0x01, //! master -> slave
00226 4        unsigned char filter_sda;   //0x07, //! filter SDA read data by testing multiple times - currently just zero/non zero
00227 5        unsigned char filter_scl;  //0x07};//! filter SCL read data by testing multiple times - currently just zero/non zero 
00228 }
00229 */
00231 int i2c_getbit(int n) {
00232   if (bitdelays[n].filter_sda)
00233            return n? (((X313_PIOR(SDA1)) + (X313_PIOR(SDA1)) + (X313_PIOR(SDA1)) + (X313_PIOR(SDA1)) + (X313_PIOR(SDA1)) + (X313_PIOR(SDA1)) + (X313_PIOR(SDA1))) >> 2) :
00234                      (((X313_SR(SDA0)) + (X313_SR(SDA0)) + (X313_SR(SDA0)) + (X313_SR(SDA0)) + (X313_SR(SDA0)) + (X313_SR(SDA0)) + (X313_SR(SDA0))) >> 2) ;
00235   else     return n? X313_PIOR(SDA1) : X313_SR(SDA0);
00236 }
00238 int i2c_getscl(int n) {
00239   if (bitdelays[n].filter_scl)
00240            return n? (((X313_PIOR(SCL1)) + (X313_PIOR(SCL1)) + (X313_PIOR(SCL1)) + (X313_PIOR(SCL1)) + (X313_PIOR(SCL1)) + (X313_PIOR(SCL1)) + (X313_PIOR(SCL1))) >> 2) :
00241                      (((X313_SR(SCL0)) + (X313_SR(SCL0)) + (X313_SR(SCL0)) + (X313_SR(SCL0)) + (X313_SR(SCL0)) + (X313_SR(SCL0)) + (X313_SR(SCL0))) >> 2) ;
00242   else     return n? X313_PIOR(SCL1) : X313_SR(SCL0);
00243 }
00246 void i2c_scl_0(int n) {
00248    if (n) port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_IOPINS]=SCL1_0; // EXT[0] enabled, 0
00249 //   else   il_ccamCRAndOr(~X313_BITS(SCL0,1),X313_BITS(SCL0_EN,1)); // SCL= 0
00250    else   port_csp0_addr[X313_I2C_CMD]=X3X3_I2C_SCL_0_BITS;  // SCL= 0
00252  }
00255 void i2c_scl_1(int n) {
00256    if (n)  port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_IOPINS]=SCL1_1; // modified by ifdef PASSIVE_PULLUP
00257 //   else    il_ccamCROr (X313_BITS(SCL0,1) | X313_BITS(SCL0_EN,1)); // SCL=1
00258    else   port_csp0_addr[X313_I2C_CMD]=X3X3_I2C_SCL_1_BITS;; // SCL=1
00259  }
00262 void i2c_sda_weak (int n, int d) {      // will also force sda enable
00263  if (n) {
00264    if (d) port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_IOPINS]=SDA1_OFF; // turn off SDA
00265    else   port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_IOPINS]=SDA1_0; // turn on SDA ==0
00266  } else {
00267 //   if (d) il_ccamCRAndOr(~X313_BITS(SDA0_EN,1), X313_BITS(SDA0,1)); // turn off SDA ==1 (just in case)
00268 //   else   il_ccamCRAndOr(~X313_BITS(SDA0,1),  X313_BITS(SDA0_EN,1)); // turn on SDA ==0
00269    if (d) port_csp0_addr[X313_I2C_CMD]=X3X3_I2C_SDA_Z_BITS; // turn off SDA ==1 (just in case)
00270    else   port_csp0_addr[X313_I2C_CMD]=X3X3_I2C_SDA_0_BITS; // turn on SDA ==0
00271  }
00272 }
00274 void i2c_sda_strong (int n, int d) {    // will also force sda enable
00275  if (n) {
00276    if (d) port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_IOPINS]=SDA1_1; // modified by ifdef PASSIVE_PULLUP
00277    else   port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_IOPINS]=SDA1_0; // turn on SDA ==0
00278  } else {
00279 //   if (d) il_ccamCROr   ( X313_BITS(SDA0,1) | X313_BITS(SDA0_EN,1)); // turn on SDA ==1
00280 //   else   il_ccamCRAndOr(~X313_BITS(SDA0,1),  X313_BITS(SDA0_EN,1)); // turn on SDA ==0
00281    if (d) port_csp0_addr[X313_I2C_CMD]=X3X3_I2C_SDA_1_BITS; // turn off SDA ==1 (just in case)
00282    else   port_csp0_addr[X313_I2C_CMD]=X3X3_I2C_SDA_0_BITS; // turn on SDA ==0
00283  }
00284 }
00288 int     i2c_start(int n) {
00289    int i;
00290    unsigned long flags;
00291    local_irq_save(flags);
00292    //local_irq_disable();
00293   D(printk("i2c_start:  bus=%x\r\n", n));
00294 // both SCL and SDA are supposed to be high - no waiting is needed
00295 // set SCL=1, release SDA, wait SCL high time and verify.
00296    i2c_scl_1(n);
00297    i2c_sda_weak (n, 1);
00298    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high*I2C_DELAY_SCALE);
00299 // verify SDA is high
00300    if (!i2c_getbit(n)) { // try recovering by clocking SCL (8x slower)
00301      for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
00302        i2c_scl_0(n);
00303        x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low * I2C_DELAY_SCALE*8);
00304        i2c_scl_1(n);
00305        x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high * I2C_DELAY_SCALE*8);
00306       if (!i2c_getbit(n)) break;
00307      }
00308      if (!i2c_getbit(n)) {
00309        local_irq_restore(flags);
00310        return ERR_I2C_SDA_ST0; // error
00311      }
00312    }
00313    i2c_sda_weak (n, 0);
00314    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // technically it is SCL==1
00315    i2c_scl_0(n);
00316    local_irq_restore(flags);
00317    return 0;
00318 }
00320 // generate i2c stop condition
00321 int i2c_stop(int n) {
00322    unsigned long flags;
00323    local_irq_save(flags);
00324    //local_irq_disable();
00325   D(printk("i2c_stop:  bus=%x\r\n", n));
00326 // SCL=0, SDA - unknown. Wait for bus turnover
00327    i2c_sda_weak (n, 0);
00328    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].slave2master*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // maybe not needed  as it is 1->0 transition
00329    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=0 delay
00330    i2c_scl_1(n);
00331    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=1 delay
00332    i2c_sda_strong (n, 1);
00333    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=1 delay
00334    i2c_sda_weak (n, 1);
00335    local_irq_restore(flags);
00336    return 0;
00337 }
00339 // generate i2c repeated start condition
00340 int     i2c_restart(int n) {
00341    unsigned long flags;
00342    local_irq_save(flags);
00343    //local_irq_disable();
00344   D(printk("i2c_restart:  bus=%x\r\n", n));
00345 // SCL=0, SDA - unknown. Wait for bus turnover
00346    i2c_sda_weak (n, 1);
00347    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].slave2master*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // time for slave to release the bus
00348    i2c_sda_strong (n, 1);
00349    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=0 delay
00350    i2c_scl_1(n);
00351    i2c_sda_weak (n, 1);
00352    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=1 delay
00353    i2c_sda_weak (n, 0);
00354    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low*I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // technically it is SCL==1
00355    i2c_scl_0(n);
00356    local_irq_restore(flags);
00357    return 0;
00358 }
00360 // write a byte to the i2c interface , return acknowledge (active high, inverted from SDA line)
00361 int i2c_outbyte(int n, unsigned char d) { 
00362    int i;
00363    unsigned char x=d;   // make it non-destructive
00364    unsigned long flags;
00365    local_irq_save(flags);
00366    //local_irq_disable();
00367   D(printk("i2c_outbyte:  bus=%x byte=%x\r\n", n, x));
00368    i2c_sda_weak (n, 1);
00369    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].slave2master * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // time for slave to release the bus
00370    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // assumed to be with SCL=0;
00371       i2c_sda_strong (n,(x & 0x80));    // checks only on non-zero, so no need to '>>'
00372       x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // SCL=0 delay
00373       i2c_scl_1(n);
00374       i2c_sda_weak (n,(x & 0x80));      // checks only on non-zero, so no need to '>>'
00375       x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=1 delay
00376       i2c_scl_0(n);
00377       x <<= 1;
00378    }
00379 // prepare to read ACKN
00380    i2c_sda_weak (n, 1);
00381    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].master2slave * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // master -> slave delay
00382    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=0 delay
00383    i2c_scl_1(n);
00384    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=1 delay
00385    i= (1-i2c_getbit(n));
00386    i2c_scl_0(n);
00387   D(printk("i2c_outbyte:  ACK=%x\r\n", i));
00388    local_irq_restore(flags);
00389    return i;
00390 }
00393 // read a byte from the i2c interface, send "more" bit (SDA=0 - more, SDA=1 - that's enough)
00395 unsigned char i2c_inbyte(int n, int more) { // assumed SCL=0, SDA=X
00396    unsigned char aBitByte = 0;
00397    int i;
00398    unsigned long flags;
00399    local_irq_save(flags);
00400    //local_irq_disable();
00401   D(printk("i2c_inbyte:  bus=%x\r\n", n));
00402 // prepare to read ACKN
00403    i2c_sda_weak (n, 1);
00404    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].master2slave * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // master -> slave delay
00405 // read bits
00406    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
00407      x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=0 delay
00408      i2c_scl_1(n);
00409      x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=1 delay
00410      aBitByte = (aBitByte << 1) | i2c_getbit(n);
00411      i2c_scl_0(n);
00412    }
00413 // send "more"
00414    i2c_sda_weak (n, more ? 0 : 1);
00415    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].slave2master * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // time for slave to release the bus
00416    i2c_sda_strong (n, more ? 0 : 1);
00417    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_low * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // SCL=0 delay
00418    i2c_scl_1(n);
00419    i2c_sda_weak (n, more ? 0 : 1);
00420    x3x3_DELAY(bitdelays[n].scl_high * I2C_DELAY_SCALE); // regular SCL=1 delay
00421    i2c_scl_0(n);
00422   D(printk("i2c_inbyte:  data=%x\r\n", aBitByte));
00423    local_irq_restore(flags);
00424    return aBitByte;     // returns with SCL=0, SDA - OFF
00425 }
00428 /*#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00429 *#
00430 *# FUNCTION NAME: i2c_writeData
00431 *#
00432 *# DESCRIPTION  : Writes a sequence of bytes to an I2C device
00433 *# removed retries, will add test-ready later as a separate function
00434 *# removed all "dummy stuff" - I never needed that
00435 *# added "stop" argument - don't send stop before read
00436 *#--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00437 int i2c_writeData(int n, unsigned char theSlave, unsigned char *theData, int size, int stop) {
00438    int i,error=0;
00439    D(printk("i2c_writeData:  bus=%x theSlave=%x data=%x %x size=%x\r\n", n, theSlave, theData[0], theData[1], size));
00441 // generate start condition, test bus
00442    if ((error=i2c_start(n))) return error;
00443 // send slave address, wait for ack 
00444    if(!i2c_outbyte(n,theSlave)) {
00445       i2c_stop(n);
00446       return ERR_I2C_BSY;       // device does not exist or not ready
00447    }
00448 // OK, now send theData verifying ACK goes after each byte
00449    for (i=0;i<size;i++) {
00450      if(!i2c_outbyte(n,theData[i])) {
00451        i2c_stop(n);
00452        return ERR_I2C_NACK;     // device failure
00453      }
00454    }
00455    if (stop) i2c_stop(n);
00456         return 0;
00457 }
00459 /*#---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00460 *#
00461 *# FUNCTION NAME: i2c_readData
00462 *#
00463 *# DESCRIPTION  : Reads a data from the i2c device, returns 0- OK, else - error code
00464 *#
00465 *#--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00467 int i2c_readData(int n, unsigned char theSlave, unsigned char *theData, int size, int start) {
00468    int i, error=0;
00469    if (start) {
00470      if ((error=i2c_start(n))) return error; 
00471    } else {
00472      if ((error=i2c_restart(n))) return error; 
00473    }
00474    /* send slave address, wait for ack */
00475    D(printk("i2c_readData:  bus=%x theSlave=%x size=%x start=%d\r\n", n, theSlave, size, start));
00477    if(!i2c_outbyte(n,theSlave)) {
00478       i2c_stop(n);
00479       return ERR_I2C_BSY;       // device does not exist or not ready
00480    }
00481    for (i=0;i<size;i++) {
00482       theData[i]=i2c_inbyte(n, (i<(size-1))); // last one should have no ackn !!!
00483    }
00484    i2c_stop(n);
00485    return 0;
00486 }
00488 extern int _353_io_board_present; 
00490 /* Main device API. ioctl's to write or read to/from i2c registers.  */
00491 // for now - single register read/write only
00492 int i2c_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file,
00493     unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) {
00494     unsigned char data[3];
00495     int error=0;
00496    D(printk("i2c_ioctl cmd= %x, arg= %x\n\r",cmd,(int) arg));
00497    D(printk("i2c_ioctl:  ((int *)file->private_data)[0]= %x\n\r",((int *)file->private_data)[0]));
00498 //   D(printk("i2c_ioctl:  ((int )file->private_data)= %x\n\r",(int)file->private_data));
00499     if(_IOC_TYPE(cmd) != CMOSCAM_IOCTYPE) {
00500       return -EINVAL;
00501     }
00502 // #define I2C_DELAYS   0x0   /* read/write bit deleys for I2C */
00503 //int i2c_delays (unsigned long delays) {
00505    switch (_IOC_NR(cmd)) {
00506         case IO_EXT_BOARD_PRESENT: {
00507                 return _353_io_board_present;
00508         }
00509      case I2C_DELAYS:
00510        return i2c_delays (arg);
00511      case I2C_WRITEREG:
00512     /* write to an i2c slave */
00513     D(printk("i2cw bus=%d, slave=%d, reg=%d, value=%d\n", 
00514          (int) I2C_ARGBUS(arg),
00515          (int) I2C_ARGSLAVE(arg),
00516          (int) I2C_ARGREG(arg),
00517          (int) I2C_ARGVALUE(arg)));
00518        data[0]=I2C_ARGREG(arg);
00519        data[1]=I2C_ARGVALUE(arg);
00520        return -i2c_writeData(I2C_ARGBUS(arg), I2C_ARGSLAVE(arg) & 0xfe, &data[0], 2, 1); // send stop
00521      case I2C_READREG:
00522     /* read from an i2c slave */
00523     D(printk("i2cr bus=%d, slave=%d, reg=%d ", 
00524          (int) I2C_ARGBUS(arg),
00525          (int) I2C_ARGSLAVE(arg),
00526          (int) I2C_ARGREG(arg)));
00527        data[0]=I2C_ARGREG(arg);
00528        error=i2c_writeData(I2C_ARGBUS(arg), I2C_ARGSLAVE(arg) & 0xfe, &data[0], 1, 0); // no stop
00529        if (error) return -error;
00530        error=i2c_readData(I2C_ARGBUS(arg), I2C_ARGSLAVE(arg) | 0x01, &data[1], 1, 0);  // will start with restart, not start
00531        if (error) return -error;
00532     D(printk("returned %d\n", data[1]));
00533        return data[1];
00535      case I2C_16_WRITEREG:
00536     /* write to an i2c slave */
00537     D(printk("i2c16w slave=%d, reg=%d, value=%d\n",
00538          (int) I2C_16_ARGSLAVE(arg),
00539          (int) I2C_16_ARGREG(arg),
00540          (int) I2C_16_ARGVALUE(arg)));
00541        data[0]=I2C_16_ARGREG(arg);
00542        data[1]=I2C_16_ARGVALUE_H(arg);
00543        data[2]=I2C_16_ARGVALUE_L(arg);
00544        return -i2c_writeData(0, I2C_16_ARGSLAVE(arg) & 0xfe, &data[0], 3, 1); // send stop
00545      case I2C_16_READREG:
00546     /* read from an i2c slave */
00547     D(printk("i2c16r slave=%d, reg=%d ",
00548          (int) I2C_16_ARGSLAVE(arg),
00549          (int) I2C_16_ARGREG(arg)));
00550        data[0]=I2C_16_ARGREG(arg);
00551        error=i2c_writeData(0, I2C_16_ARGSLAVE(arg) & 0xfe, &data[0], 1, 0); //no stop 
00552        if (error) return -error;
00553        error=i2c_readData(0, I2C_16_ARGSLAVE(arg) | 0x01, &data[1], 2, 0);
00554        if (error) return -error;
00555     D(printk("returned %d\n", (data[1]<<8)+data[2]));
00556        return (data[1]<<8)+data[2];
00557      default:
00558        return -EINVAL;
00559  }
00560  return 0;
00561 }
00563 /*
00564  * I2C as character devices
00565  *
00566  */
00570 //#define X3X3_I2C 134
00571 // minors (add more later - maybe different minors for different speed - set speed when opening)
00572 //#define X3X3_I2C_CTRL     0  // control/reset i2c
00573 //#define X3X3_I2C_8_AINC  1  // 8bit  registers, autoincement while read/write
00574 //#define X3X3_I2C_16_AINC 2  // 16bit registers, autoincement while read/write
00575 #define X3X3_I2C_DRIVER_NAME "Elphel (R) model 353 i2c character device driver"
00576 //#define X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS 2
00577 //#define X3X3_I2C_MAXMINOR 4  //
00579 #define  I2CBUFSIZE 8196
00580 //static unsigned char i2cbuf[256*256+1]; //actually usually much less
00581 static unsigned char i2c_enable[X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS*128]; //128 devices in a bus
00582 //static unsigned char i2cbuf_all[( X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS + 1 ) * I2CBUFSIZE];
00583 static unsigned char i2cbuf_all[ X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS + 1  * I2CBUFSIZE]; 
00584 static loff_t sizes[X3X3_I2C_MAXMINOR + 1];
00585 static int burst_sizes[X3X3_I2C_MAXMINOR + 1]; 
00586 static loff_t inuse[X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS];
00588 //static int thisminor =0;
00589 //static int thissize  =0;
00590 static int     xi2c_open   (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp);
00591 static int     xi2c_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp);
00592 static loff_t  xi2c_lseek  (struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig);
00593 static ssize_t xi2c_write  (struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off);
00594 static ssize_t xi2c_read   (struct file * file, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off);
00595 static int __init xi2c_init(void);
00597 static struct file_operations xi2c_fops = {
00598         owner:    THIS_MODULE,
00599         open:     xi2c_open,
00600         release:  xi2c_release,
00601         read:     xi2c_read,
00602         write:    xi2c_write,
00603         llseek:   xi2c_lseek
00604 };
00608 int     xi2c_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) {
00609    int p = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
00610    int bus=-1;
00611    int * pd= (int *) &(filp->private_data);
00612    switch (p) {
00613      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00614      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00615      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00616        bus=0;
00617        break;
00618      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00619      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC :
00620      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC :
00621        bus=1;
00622        break;
00623      case X3X3_I2C_ENABLE:
00624      case X3X3_I2C_CTRL : 
00625        bus=-1;
00626        break;
00627   }
00629    D(printk("xi2c_open, minor=%d\n",p));
00630    if ((bus>=0) && (inuse[bus] !=0)) return -EACCES;
00631    D(printk("xi2c_open, minor=%d\n",p));
00632    inode->i_size=sizes[p];
00633    if (bus>=0) inuse[bus] =1;
00635    switch ( p ) {
00636      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00637      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00638      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00639      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC :
00640        inode->i_size=128*256;
00641        burst_sizes[p]=1; 
00642        break;
00643      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00644      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : 
00645        inode->i_size=256*256;
00646        burst_sizes[p]=2; 
00647        break;
00648      case X3X3_I2C_CTRL : 
00649        inode->i_size=sizeof(bitdelays);
00650        break;
00651      case X3X3_I2C_ENABLE:
00652        inode->i_size=sizeof(i2c_enable);
00653        break;
00654      default:return -EINVAL;
00655    }
00656 //   thisminor=p;
00657 //   thissize=inode->i_size;
00658 //   filp->private_data = &thisminor;
00659 //   filp->private_data=p; // just a minor number
00660    pd[0]=p; // just a minor number
00661   return 0;
00662 }
00665 //static loff_t sizes[X3X3_I2C_MAXMINOR + 1];
00666 //static loff_t inuse[X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS];
00668 static int     xi2c_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){
00669    int p = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
00670    int bus=-1;
00671    switch (p) {
00672      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00673      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00674      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00675        bus=0;
00676        break;
00677      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00678      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC :
00679      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC :
00680        bus=1;
00681        break;
00682      case X3X3_I2C_ENABLE:
00683      case X3X3_I2C_CTRL :
00684        bus=-1;
00685        break;
00686   }
00687   D(printk("xi2c_release, minor=%d\n",p));
00688   if (bus>=0) inuse[bus]=0;
00689   else if (p==X3X3_I2C_CTRL) for (bus=0; bus < X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS; bus++) inuse[bus]=0;
00690 //  thisminor =0;
00691   return 0;
00692 }
00695 static loff_t  xi2c_lseek(struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig) {
00696 /*
00697  *  orig 0: position from begning of eeprom
00698  *  orig 1: relative from current position
00699  *  orig 2: position from last address
00700  */
00701    int p=(int)file->private_data;
00702    int thissize=sizes[p];
00703         switch (orig) {
00704         case SEEK_SET:
00705                 file->f_pos = offset;
00706                 break;
00707         case SEEK_CUR:
00708                 file->f_pos += offset;
00709                 break;
00710         case SEEK_END:
00712 //       burst_sizes[p]=2; //!fix for PHP read (always 8192) -> 2 bytes/read
00715       if (offset<=0) {
00716         file->f_pos = thissize + offset;
00717       } else {
00718         burst_sizes[p]=offset; 
00719       }
00720       break;
00721         default:
00722                 return -EINVAL;
00723         }
00724 //   switch (((int *)file->private_data)[0]) {
00725    switch (p) {
00726      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00727      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00728        (file->f_pos) &= ~(0x7f); // zero out 7 MSBs
00729        break;
00730      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00731      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : {
00732        if ((file->f_pos) & 1) (file->f_pos)++; // increment to the next (if odd) for 16-bit accesses
00733        break;
00734      }
00735    }
00737         /* truncate position */
00738         if (file->f_pos < 0) {
00739                 file->f_pos = 0;
00740                 return (-EOVERFLOW);
00741         }
00743         if (file->f_pos > thissize) {
00744                 file->f_pos = thissize;
00745                 return (-EOVERFLOW);
00746         }
00747         return (file->f_pos);
00748 }
00752 ssize_t xi2c_read(struct file * file, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) {
00753   unsigned long p;
00754   int error;
00755   p = *off;
00756   char * bbitdelays= (char*) bitdelays;
00757   int bus=0;
00758   unsigned char * i2cbuf=&i2cbuf_all[0]; // initialize to keep compiler happy
00759   unsigned char * userbuf=&i2cbuf[1];
00760   int thissize=sizes[(int)file->private_data];
00761   int slave_adr;
00762   int en_mask=0;
00763   int en_bits=0;
00765 //  switch (((int *)file->private_data)[0]) {
00766   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00767      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00768      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00769      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00770        bus=0;
00771        i2cbuf = &i2cbuf_all[0];
00772        break;
00773      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00774      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC :
00775      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC :
00776        bus=1;
00777        i2cbuf = &i2cbuf_all[1*I2CBUFSIZE];
00778        break;
00779 //     case X3X3_I2C_CTRL :
00780 //       i2cbuf = &i2cbuf_all[X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS*I2CBUFSIZE];
00781   }
00782   userbuf=&i2cbuf[1];
00784 //  switch (((int *)file->private_data)[0]) {
00785   slave_adr=(p >> 7) & 0xfe;
00786   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00787      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00788      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00789      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00790      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC : 
00791        if (count == 8192) count=burst_sizes[(int)file->private_data]; 
00792        break;
00793      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00794      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : 
00795        p&=0xfffffffe;
00796        if (count == 8192) count=burst_sizes[(int)file->private_data]; 
00797        if (count & 1) count++;
00798        slave_adr=(p >> 8) & 0xfe;
00799        break;
00800   }
00801   D(printk("xi2c_read (bus=%d) from 0x%x, count=%d\n", bus, (int) *off, (int) count));
00803   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00804      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00805      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00806        en_mask=(1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RAW);
00807        break;
00808      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00809      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC : 
00810        en_mask=(1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_8);
00811        break;
00812      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00813      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : 
00814        en_mask=(1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_16);
00815        break;
00816   }
00817   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00818      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00819      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00820      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00821        en_bits=i2c_enable[ slave_adr>>1 ];
00822        break;
00823      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00824      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC : 
00825      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : 
00826        en_bits=i2c_enable[(slave_adr>>1) + 128];
00827        break;
00828   }
00829   if ((en_bits & en_mask) ^ en_mask) {
00830      printk("tried disabed xi2c_read (bus=%d, slave=0x%x)\n", bus, slave_adr);
00831      D(printk("en_bits=0x%x, en_mask=0x%x (minor=%d)\n", (int) en_bits, (int) en_mask, (int)file->private_data));
00832      return -ENXIO;
00833   }
00835   if (p >= thissize)  return -EINVAL; // bigger than
00836   if( (p + count) > thissize) { // truncate count 
00837     count = thissize - p;
00838   }
00839   if( count > (I2CBUFSIZE-1)) { // should not happen i2cbuf is larger than maximal thissize
00840     count = I2CBUFSIZE-1;
00841   }
00842   if (count==0) return 0;
00843   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00844      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00845      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00846        i2cbuf[0]=p & 0xff;
00847        error=i2c_readData (bus, slave_adr | 0x01, &i2cbuf[1], count, 1);  // will start with start, not restart
00848        if (error) return -EINVAL;
00849        break;
00850      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00851      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC : 
00852        i2cbuf[0]=p & 0xff;
00853        error=i2c_writeData(bus,  slave_adr,         &i2cbuf[0], 1, 0); // no stop
00854        if (error) return -EINVAL;
00855        error=i2c_readData (bus, slave_adr | 0x01, &i2cbuf[1], count,0);  // will start with restart, not start
00856        if (error) return -EINVAL;
00857        break;
00858      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00859      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : 
00860        i2cbuf[0]=(p>>1) & 0xff;
00861        error=i2c_writeData(bus,  slave_adr,         &i2cbuf[0], 1, 0); // no stop
00862        if (error) return -EINVAL;
00863        error=i2c_readData (bus, slave_adr | 0x01, &i2cbuf[1], count,0);  // will start with restart, not start
00864        if (error) return -EINVAL;
00865        break;
00866      case X3X3_I2C_CTRL : 
00867        userbuf=&bbitdelays[*off];
00868 //       memcpy(&i2cbuf[1],&bbitdelays[*off],count);
00869        break;
00870      case X3X3_I2C_ENABLE:
00871        userbuf=&i2c_enable[*off];
00872        break;
00873      default:return -EINVAL;
00874   }
00876 //  if (copy_to_user(buf,  &i2cbuf[1], count)) return -EFAULT;
00877   if (copy_to_user(buf,  userbuf, count)) return -EFAULT;
00880   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00881      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00882      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00883       *off &= ~(0x7f); // zero out 7 MSBs
00884        break;
00885      default:
00886       *off+=count;
00887   }
00888   D(printk("count= 0x%x, pos= 0x%x\n", (int) count, (int)*off));
00889   return count;
00890 }
00894 static ssize_t xi2c_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) {
00895   unsigned long p;
00896   int error;
00897   p = *off;
00898   int bus=0;
00899   char * bbitdelays= (char*) bitdelays;
00900   unsigned char * i2cbuf=&i2cbuf_all[0]; // initialize to keep compiler happy
00901   unsigned char * userbuf=&i2cbuf[1];
00902   int thissize=sizes[(int)file->private_data];
00903   int slave_adr;
00904   int en_mask=0;
00905   int en_bits=0;
00907 //  switch (((int *)file->private_data)[0]) {
00908   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00909      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00910      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00911      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00912        bus=0;
00913        i2cbuf = &i2cbuf_all[0];
00914        break;
00915      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00916      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC :
00917      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC :
00918        bus=1;
00919        i2cbuf = &i2cbuf_all[1*I2CBUFSIZE];
00920        break;
00921 //     case X3X3_I2C_CTRL :
00922 //       i2cbuf = &i2cbuf_all[X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS*I2CBUFSIZE];
00923   }
00924   userbuf=&i2cbuf[1];
00925   slave_adr=(p >> 7) & 0xfe;
00926   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00927      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00928      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC :
00929        p&=0xfffffffe;
00930        if (count & 1) count++;
00931        slave_adr=(p >> 8) & 0xfe;
00932        break;
00933   }
00934   D(printk("xi2c_write (bus=%d) to 0x%x, count=%x\n", bus, (int) *off, (int) count));
00937   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00938      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00939      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00940        en_mask=(1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RAW);
00941        break;
00942      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00943      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC : 
00944        en_mask=(1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_8);
00945        break;
00946      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00947      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : 
00948        en_mask=(1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_16);
00949        break;
00950   }
00951   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00952      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00953      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00954      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
00955        en_bits=i2c_enable[ slave_adr>>1 ];
00956        break;
00957      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00958      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC : 
00959      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC : 
00960        en_bits=i2c_enable[(slave_adr>>1) + 128];
00961        break;
00962   }
00963   if ((en_bits & en_mask) ^ en_mask) {
00964      printk("tried disabed xi2c_write (bus=%d, slave=0x%x)\n", bus, slave_adr);
00965      D(printk("en_bits=0x%x, en_mask=0x%x (minor=%d)\n", (int) en_bits, (int) en_mask, (int)file->private_data));
00966      return -ENXIO;
00967   }
00969   if (p >= thissize)  return -EINVAL; 
00970   if( (p + count) > thissize) { // truncate count 
00971     count = thissize - p;
00972   }
00973   if( count > (I2CBUFSIZE-1)) { // should not happen i2cbuf is larger than maximal thissize
00974     count = I2CBUFSIZE-1;
00975   }
00976   if (count==0) return 0;
00978   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00979      case X3X3_I2C_CTRL : 
00980        userbuf=&bbitdelays[p];
00981        break;
00982      case X3X3_I2C_ENABLE:
00983        userbuf=&i2c_enable[p];
00984        break;
00985   }
00987 //  if (copy_from_user( &i2cbuf[1], buf, count)) return -EFAULT;
00988   if (copy_from_user( userbuf, buf, count)) return -EFAULT;
00989   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
00990      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
00991      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
00992        error=i2c_writeData(bus, slave_adr,  &i2cbuf[1],count, 1); // send stop
00993        if (error) return -EINVAL;
00994        break;
00995      case X3X3_I2C_8_AINC :
00996      case X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC :
00997        i2cbuf[0]=p & 0xff;
00998        error=i2c_writeData(bus, slave_adr,  &i2cbuf[0],count+1, 1); // send stop
00999        if (error) return -EINVAL;
01000        break;
01001      case X3X3_I2C_16_AINC :
01002      case X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC :
01003        i2cbuf[0]=(p>>1) & 0xff;
01004        error=i2c_writeData(bus, slave_adr,  &i2cbuf[0],count+1, 1); // send stop
01005        if (error) return -EINVAL;
01006        break;
01007 //     case X3X3_I2C_CTRL :
01008 //       memcpy(&bbitdelays[*off],&i2cbuf[1],count);
01009 //       break;
01010      default:return -EINVAL;
01011    }
01012 //  *off+=count;
01014   switch ((int)file->private_data) {
01015      case X3X3_I2C_RAW:
01016      case X3X3_I2C1_RAW:
01017       *off &= ~(0x7f); // zero out 7 MSBs
01018        break;
01019      default:
01020       *off+=count;
01021   }
01022   D(printk("count= 0x%x, pos= 0x%x\n", (int) count, (int)*off));
01023   return count;
01024 }
01027 static int __init xi2c_init(void) {
01028    int i,res;
01029    res = register_chrdev(X3X3_I2C_MAJOR, "fpga_xi2c", &xi2c_fops);
01030    if(res < 0) {
01031      printk(KERN_ERR "\nxi2c_init: couldn't get a major number %d.\n",X3X3_I2C_MAJOR);
01032      return res;
01033    }
01034    printk(X3X3_I2C_DRIVER_NAME" - %d, %d channels\n",X3X3_I2C_MAJOR,X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS);
01035 //   thisminor =0;
01037    bitdelays[0].scl_high=2;      
01038    bitdelays[0].scl_low=2;       
01039    bitdelays[0].slave2master=1;  
01040    bitdelays[0].master2slave=1;  
01041    bitdelays[0].filter_sda=0x07; 
01042    bitdelays[0].filter_scl=0x07; 
01044    bitdelays[1].scl_high=3;      
01045    bitdelays[1].scl_low=4;       
01046    bitdelays[1].slave2master=2;  
01047    bitdelays[1].master2slave=2;  
01048    bitdelays[1].filter_sda=0x07; 
01049    bitdelays[1].filter_scl=0x07; 
01051    for (i=0; i<X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS;i++) {
01052      inuse[i]=0;
01053    }
01054    sizes[X3X3_I2C_CTRL]=     sizeof(bitdelays); // control/reset i2c
01055    sizes[X3X3_I2C_8_AINC]=   128*256;           // 8bit  registers, autoincement while read/write
01056    sizes[X3X3_I2C_16_AINC]=  256*256;           // 16bit registers, autoincement while read/write
01057    sizes[X3X3_I2C1_8_AINC]=  128*256;           // 8bit  registers, autoincement while read/write (bus 1)
01058    sizes[X3X3_I2C1_16_AINC]= 256*256;           // 16bit registers, autoincement while read/write (bus 1)
01059    sizes[X3X3_I2C_RAW]=      128*256;           // 8bit single register, 
01060    sizes[X3X3_I2C1_RAW]=     128*256;           // 8bit single register, 
01061    sizes[X3X3_I2C_ENABLE]=   sizeof(i2c_enable); // enable particular types of accesses for I2C devices
01063    for (i=0; i<X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS*128; i++) i2c_enable[i]=0xff;
01066    i2c_enable[0x90 >> 1]= (1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | ( 1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_16); 
01067    i2c_enable[0xba >> 1]= (1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | ( 1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_16); 
01068    i2c_enable[0x20 >> 1]= (1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | ( 1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_16); 
01070    i2c_enable[128+(0x90 >> 1)]= (1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | ( 1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_8); 
01071    i2c_enable[128+(0xa2 >> 1)]= (1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | ( 1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_8); 
01072    i2c_enable[128+(0xa0 >> 1)]= (1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | ( 0 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_8); 
01073    i2c_enable[128+(0x40 >> 1)]= (1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD) | ( 1 << X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR) | (1 <<X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RAW); 
01075 //#define X3X3_I2C_RAW        5  // 8bit  registers, no address byte (just slave, then read/write byte(s)
01076 //#define X3X3_I2C1_RAW       6  // 8bit  registers, no address byte (just slave, then read/write byte(s)
01077 //#define X3X3_I2C_ENABLE     7  // enable(/protect) different I2C devices for different types of I2C accesses
01078 //static unsigned char i2c_enable[X3X3_I2C_CHANNELS*128]; //128 devices in a bus
01079 //#define X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RD   0 // bit 0 - enable i2c read
01080 //#define X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_WR   1 // bit 1 - enable i2c write
01081 //#define X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_RAW  2 // bit 2 - enable i2c raw (no address byte)
01082 //#define X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_8    3 // bit 3 - enable i2c 8-bit registers access
01083 //#define X3X3_I2C_ENABLE_16   4 // bit 4 - enable i2c 16-bit registers access
01085    return 0;
01086 }
01088 /* this makes sure that xi2c_init is called during boot */
01090 module_init(xi2c_init);
01092 MODULE_AUTHOR("Andrey Filippov <andrey@elphel.com>.");

Generated on Fri Nov 28 00:06:23 2008 for elphel by  doxygen 1.5.1