libs/alsa-lib-1.0.13/src/conf.c File Reference

Configuration helper functions. More...

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "local.h"

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Data Structures

struct  _snd_config
struct  filedesc
struct  input_t
struct  local_string
struct  finfo
struct  _snd_config_update


#define LOCAL_ERROR   (-0x68000000)
#define LOCAL_STR_BUFSIZE   64
#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCH(config, key, result, extra_code)
#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCHA(root, config, key, result, fcn, extra_code)
#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCHV(config, result, fcn)
#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCHVA(root, config, result, fcn)
#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCH_ALIAS(config, base, key, result, fcn1, fcn2)
#define ALSA_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT   "/share/alsa/alsa.conf"


typedef enum _snd_config_walk_pass snd_config_walk_pass_t
typedef int(*) snd_config_walk_callback_t (snd_config_t *src, snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_walk_pass_t pass, snd_config_t *private_data)




static int safe_strtoll (const char *str, long long *val)
int safe_strtol (const char *str, long *val)
static int safe_strtod (const char *str, double *val)
static int get_char (input_t *input)
static void unget_char (int c, input_t *input)
static int get_delimstring (char **string, int delim, input_t *input)
static int get_char_skip_comments (input_t *input)
static int get_nonwhite (input_t *input)
static int get_quotedchar (input_t *input)
static void init_local_string (struct local_string *s)
static void free_local_string (struct local_string *s)
static int add_char_local_string (struct local_string *s, int c)
static char * copy_local_string (struct local_string *s)
static int get_freestring (char **string, int id, input_t *input)
static int get_string (char **string, int id, input_t *input)
static int _snd_config_make (snd_config_t **config, char **id, snd_config_type_t type)
static int _snd_config_make_add (snd_config_t **config, char **id, snd_config_type_t type, snd_config_t *father)
static int _snd_config_search (snd_config_t *config, const char *id, int len, snd_config_t **result)
static int parse_value (snd_config_t **_n, snd_config_t *father, input_t *input, char **id, int skip)
static int parse_defs (snd_config_t *father, input_t *input, int skip, int override)
static int parse_array_defs (snd_config_t *farther, input_t *input, int skip, int override)
static int parse_array_def (snd_config_t *father, input_t *input, int idx, int skip, int override)
static int parse_def (snd_config_t *father, input_t *input, int skip, int override)
static void string_print (char *str, int id, snd_output_t *out)
static int _snd_config_save_leaves (snd_config_t *config, snd_output_t *out, unsigned int level, unsigned int joins)
static int _snd_config_save_leaf (snd_config_t *n, snd_output_t *out, unsigned int level)
static void id_print (snd_config_t *n, snd_output_t *out, unsigned int joins)
int snd_config_substitute (snd_config_t *dst, snd_config_t *src)
 Substitutes one configuration node to another.
int snd_config_get_type_ascii (const char *ascii, snd_config_type_t *type)
 Converts an ASCII string to a configuration node type.
snd_config_type_t snd_config_get_type (const snd_config_t *config)
 Returns the type of a configuration node.
int snd_config_get_id (const snd_config_t *config, const char **id)
 Returns the id of a configuration node.
int snd_config_set_id (snd_config_t *config, const char *id)
 Sets the id of a configuration node.
int snd_config_top (snd_config_t **config)
 Creates a top level configuration node.
static int snd_config_load1 (snd_config_t *config, snd_input_t *in, int override)
int snd_config_load (snd_config_t *config, snd_input_t *in)
 Loads a configuration tree.
int snd_config_load_override (snd_config_t *config, snd_input_t *in)
 Loads a configuration tree and overrides existing configuration nodes.
int snd_config_add (snd_config_t *father, snd_config_t *leaf)
 Adds a child to a compound configuration node.
int snd_config_remove (snd_config_t *config)
 Removes a configuration node from its tree.
int snd_config_delete (snd_config_t *config)
 Deletes a configuration node (freeing all its related resources).
int snd_config_delete_compound_members (const snd_config_t *config)
 Deletes the children of a compound configuration node (freeing all its related resources).
int snd_config_make (snd_config_t **config, const char *id, snd_config_type_t type)
 Creates a configuration node.
int snd_config_make_integer (snd_config_t **config, const char *id)
 Creates an integer configuration node.
int snd_config_make_integer64 (snd_config_t **config, const char *id)
 Creates an integer64 configuration node.
int snd_config_make_real (snd_config_t **config, const char *id)
 Creates a real configuration node.
int snd_config_make_string (snd_config_t **config, const char *id)
 Creates a string configuration node.
int snd_config_make_pointer (snd_config_t **config, const char *id)
 Creates a pointer configuration node.
int snd_config_make_compound (snd_config_t **config, const char *id, int join)
 Creates an empty compound configuration node.
int snd_config_imake_integer (snd_config_t **config, const char *id, const long value)
 Creates an integer configuration node with the given initial value.
int snd_config_imake_integer64 (snd_config_t **config, const char *id, const long long value)
 Creates an integer configuration node with the given initial value.
int snd_config_imake_real (snd_config_t **config, const char *id, const double value)
 Creates a real configuration node with the given initial value.
int snd_config_imake_string (snd_config_t **config, const char *id, const char *value)
 Creates a string configuration node with the given initial value.
int snd_config_imake_pointer (snd_config_t **config, const char *id, const void *value)
 Creates a pointer configuration node with the given initial value.
int snd_config_set_integer (snd_config_t *config, long value)
 Changes the value of an integer configuration node.
int snd_config_set_integer64 (snd_config_t *config, long long value)
 Changes the value of an integer64 configuration node.
int snd_config_set_real (snd_config_t *config, double value)
 Changes the value of a real configuration node.
int snd_config_set_string (snd_config_t *config, const char *value)
 Changes the value of a string configuration node.
int snd_config_set_pointer (snd_config_t *config, const void *value)
 Changes the value of a pointer configuration node.
int snd_config_set_ascii (snd_config_t *config, const char *ascii)
 Changes the value of a configuration node.
int snd_config_get_integer (const snd_config_t *config, long *ptr)
 Returns the value of an integer configuration node.
int snd_config_get_integer64 (const snd_config_t *config, long long *ptr)
 Returns the value of an integer64 configuration node.
int snd_config_get_real (const snd_config_t *config, double *ptr)
 Returns the value of a real configuration node.
int snd_config_get_ireal (const snd_config_t *config, double *ptr)
 Returns the value of a real or integer configuration node.
int snd_config_get_string (const snd_config_t *config, const char **ptr)
 Returns the value of a string configuration node.
int snd_config_get_pointer (const snd_config_t *config, const void **ptr)
 Returns the value of a pointer configuration node.
int snd_config_get_ascii (const snd_config_t *config, char **ascii)
 Returns the value of a configuration node as a string.
int snd_config_test_id (const snd_config_t *config, const char *id)
 Compares the id of a configuration node to a given string.
int snd_config_save (snd_config_t *config, snd_output_t *out)
 Dumps the contents of a configuration node or tree.
int snd_config_search (snd_config_t *config, const char *key, snd_config_t **result)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree.
int snd_config_searcha (snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *config, const char *key, snd_config_t **result)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases.
int snd_config_searchv (snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t **result,...)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree.
int snd_config_searchva (snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t **result,...)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases.
int snd_config_search_alias (snd_config_t *config, const char *base, const char *key, snd_config_t **result)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree, using an alias.
static int snd_config_hooks (snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t *private_data)
int snd_config_search_hooks (snd_config_t *config, const char *key, snd_config_t **result)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree and expands hooks.
int snd_config_searcha_hooks (snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *config, const char *key, snd_config_t **result)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases and hooks.
int snd_config_searchva_hooks (snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t **result,...)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases and hooks.
int snd_config_search_alias_hooks (snd_config_t *config, const char *base, const char *key, snd_config_t **result)
 Searches for a node in a configuration tree, using an alias and expanding hooks.
static int snd_config_hooks_call (snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t *private_data)
int snd_config_hook_load (snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_t *private_data)
 Loads and parses the given configurations files.
int snd_determine_driver (int card, char **driver)
int snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards (snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_t *private_data ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
 Loads and parses the given configurations files for each installed sound card.
 SND_DLSYM_BUILD_VERSION (snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards, SND_CONFIG_DLSYM_VERSION_HOOK)
int snd_config_update_r (snd_config_t **_top, snd_config_update_t **_update, const char *cfgs)
 Updates a configuration tree by rereading the configuration files (if needed).
int snd_config_update (void)
 Updates snd_config by rereading the global configuration files (if needed).
int snd_config_update_free (snd_config_update_t *update)
 Frees a private update structure.
int snd_config_update_free_global (void)
 Frees the global configuration tree in snd_config.
snd_config_iterator_t snd_config_iterator_first (const snd_config_t *node)
 Returns an iterator pointing to the first child of a compound configuration node.
snd_config_iterator_t snd_config_iterator_next (const snd_config_iterator_t iterator)
 Returns an iterator pointing to the next sibling.
snd_config_iterator_t snd_config_iterator_end (const snd_config_t *node)
 Returns an iterator pointing past the last child of a compound configuration node.
snd_config_t * snd_config_iterator_entry (const snd_config_iterator_t iterator)
 Returns the configuration node handle pointed to by an iterator.
static int snd_config_walk (snd_config_t *src, snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_walk_callback_t callback, snd_config_t *private_data)
static int _snd_config_copy (snd_config_t *src, snd_config_t *root ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_walk_pass_t pass, snd_config_t *private_data ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
int snd_config_copy (snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_t *src)
 Creates a copy of a configuration node.
static int _snd_config_expand (snd_config_t *src, snd_config_t *root ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_walk_pass_t pass, snd_config_t *private_data)
static int _snd_config_evaluate (snd_config_t *src, snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t **dst ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, snd_config_walk_pass_t pass, snd_config_t *private_data)
int snd_config_evaluate (snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t *private_data, snd_config_t **result)
 Evaluates a configuration node at runtime.
static int load_defaults (snd_config_t *subs, snd_config_t *defs)
static void skip_blank (const char **ptr)
static int parse_char (const char **ptr)
static int parse_id (const char **ptr)
static int parse_string (const char **ptr, char **val)
static int parse_arg (const char **ptr, unsigned int *varlen, char **val)
static int parse_args (snd_config_t *subs, const char *str, snd_config_t *defs)
int snd_config_expand (snd_config_t *config, snd_config_t *root, const char *args, snd_config_t *private_data, snd_config_t **result)
 Expands a configuration node applying arguments and functions.
int snd_config_search_definition (snd_config_t *config, const char *base, const char *name, snd_config_t **result)
 Searches for a definition in a configuration tree, using aliases and expanding hooks and arguments.
void snd_config_set_hop (snd_config_t *conf, int hop)
int snd_config_check_hop (snd_config_t *conf)


snd_config_t * snd_config = NULL
static snd_config_update_t * snd_config_global_update = NULL
static pthread_mutex_t snd_config_update_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER

Detailed Description

Configuration helper functions.

Abramo Bagnara <>

Jaroslav Kysela <>

Tree based, full nesting configuration functions.

See the Configuration files page for more details.

Definition in file conf.c.

Define Documentation

#define ALSA_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT   "/share/alsa/alsa.conf"

The name of the default files used by snd_config_update.

Definition at line 2608 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_update_r().


The name of the environment variable containing the files list for snd_config_update.

Definition at line 2605 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_update_r().

#define LOCAL_ERROR   (-0x68000000)

Definition at line 453 of file conf.c.

#define LOCAL_STR_BUFSIZE   64

Definition at line 679 of file conf.c.

Referenced by init_local_string().


Definition at line 457 of file conf.c.

Referenced by get_string(), parse_array_def(), parse_def(), and snd_config_load1().


Definition at line 458 of file conf.c.

Referenced by get_char(), get_freestring(), parse_defs(), and snd_config_load1().


Definition at line 456 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_load1().


Definition at line 455 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_load1().

#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCH ( config,
extra_code   ) 


{ \
        snd_config_t *n; \
        int err; \
        const char *p; \
        assert(config && key); \
        while (1) { \
                if (config->type != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND) \
                        return -ENOENT; \
                { extra_code ; } \
                p = strchr(key, '.'); \
                if (p) { \
                        err = _snd_config_search(config, key, p - key, &n); \
                        if (err < 0) \
                                return err; \
                        config = n; \
                        key = p + 1; \
                } else \
                        return _snd_config_search(config, key, -1, result); \
        } \

Definition at line 2311 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_search(), and snd_config_search_hooks().

#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCH_ALIAS ( config,
fcn2   ) 

Definition at line 2404 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_search_alias(), and snd_config_search_alias_hooks().

#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCHA ( root,
extra_code   ) 


{ \
        snd_config_t *n; \
        int err; \
        const char *p; \
        assert(config && key); \
        while (1) { \
                if (config->type != SND_CONFIG_TYPE_COMPOUND) { \
                        if (snd_config_get_string(config, &p) < 0) \
                                return -ENOENT; \
                        err = fcn(root, root, p, &config); \
                        if (err < 0) \
                                return err; \
                } \
                { extra_code ; } \
                p = strchr(key, '.'); \
                if (p) { \
                        err = _snd_config_search(config, key, p - key, &n); \
                        if (err < 0) \
                                return err; \
                        config = n; \
                        key = p + 1; \
                } else \
                        return _snd_config_search(config, key, -1, result); \
        } \

Definition at line 2333 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_searcha(), and snd_config_searcha_hooks().

#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCHV ( config,
fcn   ) 


{ \
        snd_config_t *n; \
        va_list arg; \
        assert(config); \
        va_start(arg, result); \
        while (1) { \
                const char *k = va_arg(arg, const char *); \
                int err; \
                if (!k) \
                        break; \
                err = fcn(config, k, &n); \
                if (err < 0) \
                        return err; \
                config = n; \
        } \
        va_end(arg); \
        if (result) \
                *result = n; \
        return 0; \

Definition at line 2360 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_searchv().

#define SND_CONFIG_SEARCHVA ( root,
fcn   ) 


{ \
        snd_config_t *n; \
        va_list arg; \
        assert(config); \
        va_start(arg, result); \
        while (1) { \
                const char *k = va_arg(arg, const char *); \
                int err; \
                if (!k) \
                        break; \
                err = fcn(root, config, k, &n); \
                if (err < 0) \
                        return err; \
                config = n; \
        } \
        va_end(arg); \
        if (result) \
                *result = n; \
        return 0; \

Definition at line 2382 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_searchva(), and snd_config_searchva_hooks().

Typedef Documentation

typedef int(*) snd_config_walk_callback_t(snd_config_t *src, snd_config_t *root, snd_config_t **dst, snd_config_walk_pass_t pass, snd_config_t *private_data)

Definition at line 3202 of file conf.c.

typedef enum _snd_config_walk_pass snd_config_walk_pass_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum _snd_config_walk_pass


Definition at line 3192 of file conf.c.

Function Documentation

static int _snd_config_copy ( snd_config_t *  src,
snd_config_t *root  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
snd_config_t **  dst,
snd_config_walk_pass_t  pass,
snd_config_t *private_data  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED 
) [static]

Definition at line 3251 of file conf.c.

References s, snd_config_get_integer(), snd_config_get_integer64(), snd_config_get_real(), snd_config_get_string(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_make(), snd_config_make_compound(), snd_config_set_integer(), snd_config_set_integer64(), snd_config_set_real(), snd_config_set_string(), SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_LEAF, SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_PRE, and type.

Referenced by snd_config_copy().

static int _snd_config_evaluate ( snd_config_t *  src,
snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t **dst  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
snd_config_walk_pass_t  pass,
snd_config_t *  private_data 
) [static]

Definition at line 3414 of file conf.c.

References buf, eval(), free(), int, malloc(), n, snd_config_delete(), snd_config_delete_compound_members(), snd_config_get_string(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_iterator_entry(), snd_config_search(), snd_config_search_definition(), snd_config_substitute(), SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_PRE, and snprintf().

Referenced by snd_config_evaluate().

static int _snd_config_expand ( snd_config_t *  src,
snd_config_t *root  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
snd_config_t **  dst,
snd_config_walk_pass_t  pass,
snd_config_t *  private_data 
) [static]

Definition at line 3328 of file conf.c.

References s, snd_config_copy(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_get_integer(), snd_config_get_integer64(), snd_config_get_real(), snd_config_get_string(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_imake_integer(), snd_config_imake_integer64(), snd_config_imake_real(), snd_config_imake_string(), snd_config_make_compound(), snd_config_search(), snd_config_set_id(), SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_LEAF, SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_PRE, and type.

Referenced by snd_config_expand().

static int _snd_config_make ( snd_config_t **  config,
char **  id,
snd_config_type_t  type 
) [static]

Definition at line 855 of file conf.c.

References free(), and n.

Referenced by _snd_config_make_add(), snd_config_make(), and snd_config_top().

static int _snd_config_make_add ( snd_config_t **  config,
char **  id,
snd_config_type_t  type,
snd_config_t *  father 
) [static]

Definition at line 879 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_make(), and n.

Referenced by parse_array_def(), parse_def(), and parse_value().

static int _snd_config_save_leaf ( snd_config_t *  n,
snd_output_t *  out,
unsigned int  level 
) [static]

Definition at line 1330 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_save_leaves(), and string_print().

Referenced by _snd_config_save_leaves(), and snd_config_save().

static int _snd_config_save_leaves ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_output_t *  out,
unsigned int  level,
unsigned int  joins 
) [static]

Definition at line 1376 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_save_leaf(), id_print(), n, and snd_config_iterator_entry().

Referenced by _snd_config_save_leaf(), and snd_config_save().

static int _snd_config_search ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  id,
int  len,
snd_config_t **  result 
) [static]

Definition at line 894 of file conf.c.

References n, and snd_config_iterator_entry().

Referenced by parse_def().

static int add_char_local_string ( struct local_string s,
int  c 
) [static]

Definition at line 700 of file conf.c.

References malloc(), memcpy(), ptr, and s.

Referenced by get_delimstring(), and get_freestring().

static char* copy_local_string ( struct local_string s  )  [static]

Definition at line 721 of file conf.c.

References dst, malloc(), memcpy(), and s.

Referenced by get_delimstring(), and get_freestring().

static void free_local_string ( struct local_string s  )  [static]

Definition at line 694 of file conf.c.

References free(), and s.

Referenced by get_delimstring(), and get_freestring().

static int get_char ( input_t input  )  [static]

Definition at line 525 of file conf.c.

References input_t::ch, input_t::current, fd, free(), LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_EOF, and input_t::unget.

Referenced by get_char_skip_comments(), get_delimstring(), get_freestring(), get_quotedchar(), and snd_config_load1().

static int get_char_skip_comments ( input_t input  )  [static]

Definition at line 569 of file conf.c.

References input_t::current, fd, free(), get_char(), get_delimstring(), filedesc::in, filedesc::line, and malloc().

Referenced by get_nonwhite().

static int get_delimstring ( char **  string,
int  delim,
input_t input 
) [static]

Definition at line 790 of file conf.c.

References add_char_local_string(), copy_local_string(), free_local_string(), get_char(), get_quotedchar(), and init_local_string().

Referenced by get_char_skip_comments(), and get_string().

static int get_freestring ( char **  string,
int  id,
input_t input 
) [static]

Definition at line 731 of file conf.c.

References add_char_local_string(), copy_local_string(), free_local_string(), get_char(), init_local_string(), LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_EOF, and unget_char().

Referenced by get_string().

static int get_nonwhite ( input_t input  )  [static]

Definition at line 624 of file conf.c.

References get_char_skip_comments().

Referenced by get_string(), parse_array_def(), parse_array_defs(), parse_def(), and parse_defs().

static int get_quotedchar ( input_t input  )  [static]

Definition at line 642 of file conf.c.

References get_char(), num, and unget_char().

Referenced by get_delimstring().

static int get_string ( char **  string,
int  id,
input_t input 
) [static]

Definition at line 824 of file conf.c.

References get_delimstring(), get_freestring(), get_nonwhite(), LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, and unget_char().

Referenced by parse_def(), and parse_value().

static void id_print ( snd_config_t *  n,
snd_output_t *  out,
unsigned int  joins 
) [static]

Definition at line 1366 of file conf.c.

References string_print().

Referenced by _snd_config_save_leaves().

static void init_local_string ( struct local_string s  )  [static]

Definition at line 687 of file conf.c.

References LOCAL_STR_BUFSIZE, memset(), and s.

Referenced by get_delimstring(), and get_freestring().

static int load_defaults ( snd_config_t *  subs,
snd_config_t *  defs 
) [static]

Definition at line 3538 of file conf.c.

References d, f, snd_config_add(), snd_config_copy(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_iterator_entry(), and snd_config_set_id().

Referenced by snd_config_expand().

static int parse_arg ( const char **  ptr,
unsigned int *  varlen,
char **  val 
) [static]

Definition at line 3712 of file conf.c.

References malloc(), memcpy(), parse_id(), parse_string(), and skip_blank().

Referenced by parse_args().

static int parse_args ( snd_config_t *  subs,
const char *  str,
snd_config_t *  defs 
) [static]

Definition at line 3762 of file conf.c.

References buf, d, free(), memcpy(), n, parse_arg(), safe_strtod(), safe_strtol(), safe_strtoll(), skip_blank(), snd_config_add(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_get_string(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_iterator_entry(), snd_config_load_override(), snd_config_make(), snd_config_search(), snd_config_search_alias(), snd_config_set_id(), snd_config_set_integer(), snd_config_set_integer64(), snd_config_set_real(), and snd_config_set_string().

Referenced by snd_config_expand().

static int parse_array_def ( snd_config_t *  father,
input_t input,
int  idx,
int  skip,
int  override 
) [static]

Definition at line 992 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_make_add(), free(), get_nonwhite(), LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, n, parse_array_defs(), parse_defs(), parse_value(), snd_config_delete(), snprintf(), and unget_char().

Referenced by parse_array_defs().

static int parse_array_defs ( snd_config_t *  farther,
input_t input,
int  skip,
int  override 
) [static]

Definition at line 1062 of file conf.c.

References get_nonwhite(), local_string::idx, parse_array_def(), and unget_char().

Referenced by parse_array_def(), and parse_def().

static int parse_char ( const char **  ptr  )  [static]

Definition at line 3593 of file conf.c.

References num.

Referenced by parse_string().

static int parse_def ( snd_config_t *  father,
input_t input,
int  skip,
int  override 
) [static]

Definition at line 1079 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_make_add(), _snd_config_search(), free(), get_nonwhite(), get_string(), LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, mode, n, parse_array_defs(), parse_defs(), parse_value(), snd_config_delete(), and unget_char().

Referenced by parse_defs().

static int parse_defs ( snd_config_t *  father,
input_t input,
int  skip,
int  override 
) [static]

Definition at line 1223 of file conf.c.

References get_nonwhite(), LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_EOF, parse_def(), and unget_char().

Referenced by parse_array_def(), parse_def(), and snd_config_load1().

static int parse_id ( const char **  ptr  )  [static]

Definition at line 3640 of file conf.c.

Referenced by parse_arg().

static int parse_string ( const char **  ptr,
char **  val 
) [static]

Definition at line 3661 of file conf.c.

References buf, free(), malloc(), memcpy(), and parse_char().

static int parse_value ( snd_config_t **  _n,
snd_config_t *  father,
input_t input,
char **  id,
int  skip 
) [static]

Definition at line 913 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_make_add(), free(), get_string(), n, s, safe_strtod(), and safe_strtoll().

Referenced by parse_array_def(), and parse_def().

static int safe_strtod ( const char *  str,
double *  val 
) [static]

Definition at line 497 of file conf.c.

References snprintf().

Referenced by parse_args(), parse_value(), and snd_config_set_ascii().

int safe_strtol ( const char *  str,
long *  val 

Definition at line 481 of file conf.c.

Referenced by parse_args(), snd_config_get_ctl_iface_ascii(), snd_config_hook_load(), snd_config_hooks(), snd_config_set_ascii(), snd_func_concat(), snd_func_getenv(), and snd_func_igetenv().

static int safe_strtoll ( const char *  str,
long long *  val 
) [static]

Definition at line 466 of file conf.c.

Referenced by parse_args(), parse_value(), and snd_config_set_ascii().

static void skip_blank ( const char **  ptr  )  [static]

Definition at line 3576 of file conf.c.

Referenced by parse_arg(), and parse_args().

int snd_config_add ( snd_config_t *  father,
snd_config_t *  leaf 

Adds a child to a compound configuration node.

father Handle to the compound configuration node.
leaf Handle to the configuration node to be added to father.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1635 of file conf.c.

References n, filedesc::next, and snd_config_iterator_entry().

Referenced by load_defaults(), parse_args(), and snd_config_walk().

int snd_config_check_hop ( snd_config_t *  conf  ) 

Definition at line 4028 of file conf.c.

int snd_config_copy ( snd_config_t **  dst,
snd_config_t *  src 

Creates a copy of a configuration node.

dst The function puts the handle to the new configuration node at the address specified by dst.
src Handle to the source configuration node.
A non-negative value if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 3322 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_copy(), and snd_config_walk().

Referenced by _snd_config_expand(), load_defaults(), snd_config_expand(), snd_func_private_pcm_subdevice(), snd_func_private_string(), and snd_func_refer().

int snd_config_delete ( snd_config_t *  config  ) 

Deletes a configuration node (freeing all its related resources).

config Handle to the configuration node to be deleted.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
If the node is a child node, it is removed from the tree before being deleted. If the node is a compound node, all children are deleted recursively.

Definition at line 1674 of file conf.c.

References free(), and snd_config_iterator_entry().

Referenced by _snd_config_evaluate(), _snd_config_expand(), load_defaults(), parse_args(), parse_array_def(), parse_def(), snd_config_delete_compound_members(), snd_config_expand(), snd_config_hook_load(), snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards(), snd_config_hooks(), snd_config_hooks_call(), snd_config_imake_string(), snd_config_update_free_global(), snd_config_walk(), snd_func_card_driver(), snd_func_igetenv(), snd_func_refer(), and snd_mixer_simple_basic_register().

int snd_config_delete_compound_members ( const snd_config_t *  config  ) 

Deletes the children of a compound configuration node (freeing all its related resources).

config Handle to the compound configuration node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
Any compound nodes among the children of config are deleted recursively.

Definition at line 1713 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_delete(), and snd_config_iterator_entry().

Referenced by _snd_config_evaluate(), and snd_config_substitute().

int snd_config_evaluate ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  private_data,
snd_config_t **  result 

Evaluates a configuration node at runtime.

config Handle to the source configuration node.
root Handle to the root of the source configuration.
private_data Handle to the private data node for runtime evaluation.
result The function puts the handle to the result node at the address specified by result. result is NULL for in-place evaluation.
A non-negative value if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
Only in-place evaluation is currently implemented.

Definition at line 3530 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_evaluate(), and snd_config_walk().

Referenced by snd_config_expand(), snd_func_card_driver(), snd_func_card_id(), snd_func_concat(), snd_func_getenv(), snd_func_pcm_args_by_class(), snd_func_pcm_id(), and snd_func_refer().

int snd_config_expand ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t *  root,
const char *  args,
snd_config_t *  private_data,
snd_config_t **  result 

Expands a configuration node applying arguments and functions.

config Handle to the configuration node.
root Handle to the root configuration node.
args Arguments string (optional).
private_data Handle to the private data node for functions.
result The function puts the handle to the result configuration node at the address specified by result.
A non-negative value if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 3931 of file conf.c.

References _end, _snd_config_expand(), load_defaults(), parse_args(), snd_config_copy(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_evaluate(), snd_config_search(), snd_config_top(), and snd_config_walk().

Referenced by snd_config_hook_load(), and snd_config_search_definition().

int snd_config_get_ascii ( const snd_config_t *  config,
char **  ascii 

Returns the value of a configuration node as a string.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ascii The function puts the pointer to the returned string at the address specified by ascii.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
This function dynamically allocates the returned string. The application is responsible for deleting it with free() when it is no longer used.

Definition at line 2213 of file conf.c.

References ptr, and snprintf().

Referenced by snd_config_hook_load(), snd_func_card_driver(), snd_func_concat(), and snd_func_getenv().

int snd_config_get_id ( const snd_config_t *  config,
const char **  id 

Returns the id of a configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
id The function puts the pointer to the id string at the address specified by id.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The returned string is owned by the configuration node; the application must not modify or delete it.

Definition at line 1507 of file conf.c.

Referenced by find_module(), snd_config_get_bool(), snd_config_get_ctl_iface(), snd_func_card_id(), snd_func_concat(), snd_func_datadir(), snd_func_getenv(), snd_func_igetenv(), snd_func_pcm_args_by_class(), snd_func_pcm_id(), snd_func_private_card_driver(), snd_func_private_pcm_subdevice(), snd_func_private_string(), and snd_func_refer().

int snd_config_get_integer ( const snd_config_t *  config,
long *  ptr 

Returns the value of an integer configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ptr The function puts the node's value at the address specified by ptr.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2103 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), _snd_config_expand(), snd_config_get_bool(), snd_config_get_ctl_iface(), snd_func_card_id(), snd_func_pcm_args_by_class(), snd_func_pcm_id(), and snd_func_private_card_driver().

int snd_config_get_integer64 ( const snd_config_t *  config,
long long *  ptr 

Returns the value of an integer64 configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ptr The function puts the node's value at the address specified by ptr.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2119 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), and _snd_config_expand().

int snd_config_get_ireal ( const snd_config_t *  config,
double *  ptr 

Returns the value of a real or integer configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ptr The function puts the node's value at the address specified by ptr.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
If the node's type is integer or integer64, the value is converted to the double type on the fly.

Definition at line 2154 of file conf.c.

int snd_config_get_pointer ( const snd_config_t *  config,
const void **  ptr 

Returns the value of a pointer configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ptr The function puts the node's value at the address specified by ptr.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2194 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_func_private_pcm_subdevice().

int snd_config_get_real ( const snd_config_t *  config,
double *  ptr 

Returns the value of a real configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ptr The function puts the node's value at the address specified by ptr.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2135 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), and _snd_config_expand().

int snd_config_get_string ( const snd_config_t *  config,
const char **  ptr 

Returns the value of a string configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ptr The function puts the node's value at the address specified by ptr.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The returned string is owned by the configuration node; the application must not modify or delete it.

Definition at line 2178 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), _snd_config_evaluate(), _snd_config_expand(), find_module(), parse_args(), snd_config_get_bool(), snd_config_get_ctl_iface(), snd_config_hook_load(), snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards(), snd_config_hooks_call(), snd_func_getenv(), snd_func_igetenv(), snd_func_private_string(), and snd_func_refer().

snd_config_type_t snd_config_get_type ( const snd_config_t *  config  ) 

Returns the type of a configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
The node's type.

Definition at line 1492 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), _snd_config_evaluate(), _snd_config_expand(), load_defaults(), parse_args(), snd_config_hook_load(), snd_config_hooks_call(), snd_config_walk(), and snd_func_getenv().

int snd_config_get_type_ascii ( const char *  ascii,
snd_config_type_t *  type 

Converts an ASCII string to a configuration node type.

ascii A string containing a configuration node type.
type The function puts the node type at the address specified by type.
Zero if successgul, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1461 of file conf.c.

int snd_config_hook_load ( snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t **  dst,
snd_config_t *  private_data 

Loads and parses the given configurations files.

root Handle to the root configuration node.
config Handle to the configuration node for this hook.
dst The function puts the handle to the configuration node loaded from the file(s) at the address specified by dst.
private_data Handle to the private data configuration node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2768 of file conf.c.

References free(), n, name, safe_strtol(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_expand(), snd_config_get_ascii(), snd_config_get_bool_ascii(), snd_config_get_string(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_iterator_entry(), snd_config_load(), and snd_config_search().

Referenced by snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards().

int snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards ( snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t **  dst,
snd_config_t *private_data  ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED 

Loads and parses the given configurations files for each installed sound card.

root Handle to the root configuration node.
config Handle to the configuration node for this hook.
dst The function puts the handle to the configuration node loaded from the file(s) at the address specified by dst.
private_data Handle to the private data configuration node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2882 of file conf.c.

References free(), n, s, snd_config_delete(), snd_config_get_string(), snd_config_hook_load(), snd_config_imake_string(), snd_config_search(), and snd_determine_driver().

static int snd_config_hooks ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t *  private_data 
) [static]

Definition at line 2723 of file conf.c.

References n, safe_strtol(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_hooks_call(), snd_config_iterator_entry(), snd_config_remove(), and snd_config_search().

Referenced by snd_config_search_hooks(), and snd_config_searcha_hooks().

static int snd_config_hooks_call ( snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t *  private_data 
) [static]

Definition at line 2632 of file conf.c.

References buf, dst, free(), int, malloc(), n, snd_config_delete(), snd_config_get_string(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_iterator_entry(), snd_config_search(), snd_config_search_definition(), snd_config_substitute(), and snprintf().

Referenced by snd_config_hooks().

int snd_config_imake_integer ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id,
const long  value 

Creates an integer configuration node with the given initial value.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
value The initial value of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1853 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

Referenced by _snd_config_expand(), snd_func_card_driver(), snd_func_igetenv(), and snd_func_private_pcm_subdevice().

int snd_config_imake_integer64 ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id,
const long long  value 

Creates an integer configuration node with the given initial value.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
value The initial value of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1872 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

Referenced by _snd_config_expand().

int snd_config_imake_pointer ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id,
const void *  value 

Creates a pointer configuration node with the given initial value.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
value The initial value of the new node. May be NULL.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1941 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

int snd_config_imake_real ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id,
const double  value 

Creates a real configuration node with the given initial value.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
value The initial value of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1891 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

Referenced by _snd_config_expand().

int snd_config_imake_string ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id,
const char *  value 

Creates a string configuration node with the given initial value.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
value The initial value of the new node. May be NULL.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
This function creates the new node with its own copy of the passed string.

Definition at line 1912 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_delete(), and snd_config_make().

Referenced by _snd_config_expand(), snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards(), snd_func_card_id(), snd_func_concat(), snd_func_datadir(), snd_func_getenv(), snd_func_pcm_args_by_class(), snd_func_pcm_id(), snd_func_private_card_driver(), and snd_func_private_string().

snd_config_iterator_t snd_config_iterator_end ( const snd_config_t *  node  ) 

Returns an iterator pointing past the last child of a compound configuration node.

node Handle to the compound configuration node.
An iterator pointing past the last child of node.

Definition at line 3175 of file conf.c.

snd_config_t* snd_config_iterator_entry ( const snd_config_iterator_t  iterator  ) 

Returns the configuration node handle pointed to by an iterator.

iterator A configuration node iterator.
The configuration node handle pointed to by iterator.

Definition at line 3186 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_evaluate(), _snd_config_save_leaves(), _snd_config_search(), find_module(), load_defaults(), parse_args(), snd_config_add(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_delete_compound_members(), snd_config_hook_load(), snd_config_hooks(), snd_config_hooks_call(), snd_config_substitute(), snd_config_walk(), snd_func_concat(), and snd_func_getenv().

snd_config_iterator_t snd_config_iterator_first ( const snd_config_t *  node  ) 

Returns an iterator pointing to the first child of a compound configuration node.

node Handle to the compound configuration node.
An iterator pointing to the first child.

Definition at line 3151 of file conf.c.

snd_config_iterator_t snd_config_iterator_next ( const snd_config_iterator_t  iterator  ) 

Returns an iterator pointing to the next sibling.

iterator An iterator pointing to a child configuration node.
An iterator pointing to the next sibling of iterator. If iterator is the last sibling, the returned value is the same as the result of calling snd_config_iterator_end on the father of the nodes.

Definition at line 3165 of file conf.c.

int snd_config_load ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_input_t *  in 

Loads a configuration tree.

config Handle to a top level configuration node.
in Input handle to read the configuration from.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1613 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_load1().

Referenced by snd_config_hook_load(), snd_func_refer(), and snd_mixer_simple_basic_register().

static int snd_config_load1 ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_input_t *  in,
int  override 
) [static]

Definition at line 1546 of file conf.c.

References _end, input_t::current, fd, free(), get_char(), LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_CHAR, LOCAL_UNEXPECTED_EOF, LOCAL_UNTERMINATED_QUOTE, LOCAL_UNTERMINATED_STRING, malloc(), filedesc::next, parse_defs(), and input_t::unget.

Referenced by snd_config_load(), and snd_config_load_override().

int snd_config_load_override ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_input_t *  in 

Loads a configuration tree and overrides existing configuration nodes.

config Handle to a top level configuration node.
in Input handle to read the configuration from.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1624 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_load1().

Referenced by parse_args().

int snd_config_make ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id,
snd_config_type_t  type 

Creates a configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
type The type of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1741 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_make().

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), parse_args(), snd_config_imake_integer(), snd_config_imake_integer64(), snd_config_imake_pointer(), snd_config_imake_real(), snd_config_imake_string(), snd_config_make_compound(), snd_config_make_integer(), snd_config_make_integer64(), snd_config_make_pointer(), snd_config_make_real(), and snd_config_make_string().

int snd_config_make_compound ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id,
int  join 

Creates an empty compound configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
join Join flag. This is checked in snd_config_save to change look. (Huh?)
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1834 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), and _snd_config_expand().

int snd_config_make_integer ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id 

Creates an integer configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The value of the new node is 0.

Definition at line 1764 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

int snd_config_make_integer64 ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id 

Creates an integer64 configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The value of the new node is 0.

Definition at line 1778 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

int snd_config_make_pointer ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id 

Creates a pointer configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The value of the new node is NULL.

Definition at line 1820 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

int snd_config_make_real ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id 

Creates a real configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The value of the new node is 0.0.

Definition at line 1792 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

int snd_config_make_string ( snd_config_t **  config,
const char *  id 

Creates a string configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
id The id of the new node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The value of the new node is NULL.

Definition at line 1806 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_make().

int snd_config_remove ( snd_config_t *  config  ) 

Removes a configuration node from its tree.

config Handle to the configuration node to be removed.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
This functions does not delete the removed node.

Definition at line 1656 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_hooks().

int snd_config_save ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_output_t *  out 

Dumps the contents of a configuration node or tree.

config Handle to the (root) configuration node.
out Output handle.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2296 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_save_leaf(), and _snd_config_save_leaves().

int snd_config_search ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  key,
snd_config_t **  result 

Searches for a node in a configuration tree.

config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
key Search key: one or more node keys, separated with dots.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2458 of file conf.c.


Referenced by _snd_config_evaluate(), _snd_config_expand(), parse_args(), snd_config_expand(), snd_config_hook_load(), snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards(), snd_config_hooks(), snd_config_hooks_call(), snd_config_searchv(), snd_func_card_driver(), snd_func_card_id(), snd_func_concat(), snd_func_getenv(), snd_func_pcm_args_by_class(), snd_func_pcm_id(), and snd_func_refer().

int snd_config_search_alias ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  base,
const char *  key,
snd_config_t **  result 

Searches for a node in a configuration tree, using an alias.

config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
base Search key base, or NULL.
key Search key suffix.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
First key is tried, then, if nothing is found, base.key is tried. If the value found is a string, this is recursively tried in the same way.

Definition at line 2519 of file conf.c.

References SND_CONFIG_SEARCH_ALIAS, snd_config_searcha(), and snd_config_searchva().

Referenced by parse_args().

int snd_config_search_alias_hooks ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  base,
const char *  key,
snd_config_t **  result 

Searches for a node in a configuration tree, using an alias and expanding hooks.

config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
base Search key base, or NULL.
key Search key suffix.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
First key is tried, then, if nothing is found, base.key is tried. If the value found is a string, this is recursively tried in the same way.

Definition at line 2595 of file conf.c.

References SND_CONFIG_SEARCH_ALIAS, snd_config_searcha_hooks(), and snd_config_searchva_hooks().

Referenced by snd_config_search_definition().

int snd_config_search_definition ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  base,
const char *  name,
snd_config_t **  result 

Searches for a definition in a configuration tree, using aliases and expanding hooks and arguments.

config Handle to the configuration (sub)tree to search.
base Implicit key base, or NULL for none.
name Key suffix.
result The function puts the handle to the expanded found node at the address specified by result.
A non-negative value if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
First the key is tried, then, if nothing is found, base.key is tried. If the value found is a string, this is recursively tried in the same way.

If key contains a dot (.), the implicit base is ignored and the key starts from the root given by config.

Definition at line 3996 of file conf.c.

References memcpy(), snd_config_expand(), and snd_config_search_alias_hooks().

Referenced by _snd_config_evaluate(), snd_config_hooks_call(), and snd_func_refer().

int snd_config_search_hooks ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  key,
snd_config_t **  result 

Searches for a node in a configuration tree and expands hooks.

config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
key Search key: one or more node keys, separated with dots.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2537 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_hooks(), and SND_CONFIG_SEARCH.

int snd_config_searcha ( snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  key,
snd_config_t **  result 

Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases.

root Handle to the root configuration node containing alias definitions.
config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
key Search key: one or more node keys, separated with dots.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2473 of file conf.c.


Referenced by snd_config_search_alias(), and snd_config_searchva().

int snd_config_searcha_hooks ( snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  key,
snd_config_t **  result 

Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases and hooks.

root Handle to the root configuration node containing alias definitions.
config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
key Search key: one or more node keys, separated with dots.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2556 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_hooks(), and SND_CONFIG_SEARCHA.

Referenced by snd_config_search_alias_hooks(), and snd_config_searchva_hooks().

int snd_config_searchv ( snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t **  result,

Searches for a node in a configuration tree.

config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
... One or more concatenated dot separated search keys, terminated with NULL.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2486 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_search(), and SND_CONFIG_SEARCHV.

int snd_config_searchva ( snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t **  result,

Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases.

root Handle to the root configuration node containing alias definitions.
config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
... One or more concatenated dot separated search keys, terminated with NULL.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2501 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_searcha(), and SND_CONFIG_SEARCHVA.

Referenced by snd_config_search_alias().

int snd_config_searchva_hooks ( snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t *  config,
snd_config_t **  result,

Searches for a node in a configuration tree, expanding aliases and hooks.

root Handle to the root configuration node containing alias definitions.
config Handle to the root of the configuration (sub)tree to search.
result The function puts the handle to the node found at the address specified by result.
... One or more concatenated dot separated search keys, terminated with NULL.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 2576 of file conf.c.

References snd_config_searcha_hooks(), and SND_CONFIG_SEARCHVA.

Referenced by snd_config_search_alias_hooks().

int snd_config_set_ascii ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  ascii 

Changes the value of a configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
ascii The new value for the node as an ASCII string. ascii must not be NULL, not even for a string node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The node must have a simple type, and the new value must have the same type.

Definition at line 2050 of file conf.c.

References d, free(), ptr, safe_strtod(), safe_strtol(), and safe_strtoll().

void snd_config_set_hop ( snd_config_t *  conf,
int  hop 

Definition at line 4023 of file conf.c.

int snd_config_set_id ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  id 

Sets the id of a configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
id The new node id.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1520 of file conf.c.

References free().

Referenced by _snd_config_expand(), load_defaults(), parse_args(), and snd_func_refer().

int snd_config_set_integer ( snd_config_t *  config,
long  value 

Changes the value of an integer configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
value The new value for the node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1958 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), and parse_args().

int snd_config_set_integer64 ( snd_config_t *  config,
long long  value 

Changes the value of an integer64 configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
value The new value for the node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1973 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), and parse_args().

int snd_config_set_pointer ( snd_config_t *  config,
const void *  value 

Changes the value of a pointer configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
value The new value for the node. May be NULL.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
This function does not free the old pointer in the node.

Definition at line 2032 of file conf.c.

int snd_config_set_real ( snd_config_t *  config,
double  value 

Changes the value of a real configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
value The new value for the node.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 1988 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), and parse_args().

int snd_config_set_string ( snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  value 

Changes the value of a string configuration node.

config Handle to the configuration node.
value The new value for the node. May be NULL.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
This function deletes the old string in the node and stores a copy of the passed string in the node.

Definition at line 2006 of file conf.c.

References free(), and new_string().

Referenced by _snd_config_copy(), and parse_args().

int snd_config_substitute ( snd_config_t *  dst,
snd_config_t *  src 

Substitutes one configuration node to another.

dst Handle to the destination node.
src Handle to the source node. Must not be the same as dst.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
If both nodes are compounds, the source compound node members are appended to the destination compound node.

If the destination node is a compound and the source node is an ordinary type, the compound members are deleted (including their contents).

A successful call to this function invalidates the source node.

Definition at line 1428 of file conf.c.

References free(), n, snd_config_delete_compound_members(), and snd_config_iterator_entry().

Referenced by _snd_config_evaluate(), and snd_config_hooks_call().

int snd_config_test_id ( const snd_config_t *  config,
const char *  id 

Compares the id of a configuration node to a given string.

config Handle to the configuration node.
id ASCII id.
The same value as the result of the strcmp function.

Definition at line 2284 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_func_private_card_driver(), snd_func_private_pcm_subdevice(), and snd_func_private_string().

int snd_config_top ( snd_config_t **  config  ) 

Creates a top level configuration node.

config The function puts the handle to the new node at the address specified by config.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
The returned node is a compound node.

Definition at line 1540 of file conf.c.

References _snd_config_make().

Referenced by snd_config_expand(), and snd_mixer_simple_basic_register().

int snd_config_update ( void   ) 

Updates snd_config by rereading the global configuration files (if needed).

A non-negative value if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
Return values:
0 No action is needed.
1 The configuration tree has been rebuilt.
The global configuration files are specified in the environment variable ALSA_CONFIG_PATH. If this is not set, the default value is "/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf".

If the configuration tree is reread, all string pointers and configuration node handles previously obtained from this tree become invalid.

Definition at line 3098 of file conf.c.

References snd_config, snd_config_global_update, and snd_config_update_r().

int snd_config_update_free ( snd_config_update_t *  update  ) 

Frees a private update structure.

update The private update structure to free.
Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 3113 of file conf.c.

References free().

Referenced by snd_config_update_free_global().

int snd_config_update_free_global ( void   ) 

Frees the global configuration tree in snd_config.

Zero if successful, otherwise a negative error code.

Definition at line 3129 of file conf.c.

References snd_config, snd_config_delete(), snd_config_global_update, and snd_config_update_free().

int snd_config_update_r ( snd_config_t **  _top,
snd_config_update_t **  _update,
const char *  cfgs 

Updates a configuration tree by rereading the configuration files (if needed).

_top Address of the handle to the top level node.
_update Address of a pointer to private update information.
cfgs A list of configuration file names, delimited with ':'. If cfgs is set to NULL, the default global configuration file is used ("/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf").
A non-negative value if successful, otherwise a negative error code.
Return values:
0 No action is needed.
1 The configuration tree has been rebuilt.
The global configuration files are specified in the environment variable ALSA_CONFIG_PATH.

If the configuration tree is reread, all string pointers and configuration node handles previously obtained from this tree become invalid.

Definition at line 2947 of file conf.c.

References _end, ALSA_CONFIG_PATH_DEFAULT, ALSA_CONFIG_PATH_VAR, finfo::dev, free(), finfo::ino, memcpy(), finfo::mtime, finfo::name, and name.

Referenced by snd_config_update().

static int snd_config_walk ( snd_config_t *  src,
snd_config_t *  root,
snd_config_t **  dst,
snd_config_walk_callback_t  callback,
snd_config_t *  private_data 
) [static]

Definition at line 3209 of file conf.c.

References d, s, snd_config_add(), snd_config_delete(), snd_config_get_type(), snd_config_iterator_entry(), SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_LEAF, SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_POST, and SND_CONFIG_WALK_PASS_PRE.

Referenced by snd_config_copy(), snd_config_evaluate(), and snd_config_expand().

int snd_determine_driver ( int  card,
char **  driver 

Definition at line 548 of file confmisc.c.

References ctl, and open_ctl().

Referenced by snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards(), and snd_func_private_card_driver().

SND_DLSYM_BUILD_VERSION ( snd_config_hook_load_for_all_cards  ,

SND_DLSYM_BUILD_VERSION ( snd_config_hook_load  ,

static void string_print ( char *  str,
int  id,
snd_output_t *  out 
) [static]

Definition at line 1240 of file conf.c.

Referenced by _snd_config_save_leaf(), and id_print().

static void unget_char ( int  c,
input_t input 
) [static]

Definition at line 560 of file conf.c.

References input_t::ch, and input_t::unget.

Referenced by get_freestring(), get_quotedchar(), get_string(), parse_array_def(), parse_array_defs(), parse_def(), and parse_defs().

Variable Documentation

snd_config_t* snd_config = NULL

Configuration top level node (the global configuration).

Definition at line 2614 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_update(), and snd_config_update_free_global().

snd_config_update_t* snd_config_global_update = NULL [static]

Definition at line 2630 of file conf.c.

Referenced by snd_config_update(), and snd_config_update_free_global().

pthread_mutex_t snd_config_update_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER [static]

Definition at line 3083 of file conf.c.

Generated on Fri Nov 28 00:07:33 2008 for elphel by  doxygen 1.5.1