
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00002 /*!*******************************************************************************
00003 *! FILE NAME  : diag_utils.php
00004 *! DESCRIPTION: Provides development/diagnostic data
00005 *! Copyright (C) 2008 Elphel, Inc
00006 *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
00007 *!
00008 *!  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00009 *!  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00010 *!  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00011 *!  (at your option) any later version.
00012 *!
00013 *!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00014 *!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00016 *!  GNU General Public License for more details.
00017 *!
00018 *!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00019 *!  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
00020 *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
00021 *!  $Log: diag_utils.php,v $
00022 *!  Revision  2008/11/27 20:04:03  elphel
00023 *!
00024 *!
00025 *!  Revision 1.1  2008/11/27 09:29:22  elphel
00026 *!  new file - diag_utils.php that includes somewhat cleaned-up version of utilities from framepars.php. That file installation  is moved to attic
00027 *!
00028 *!
00029 */
00031     $imgsrv="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].":8081";
00032     if (count($_GET)==0) {
00033        showUsage();
00034        exit (0);
00035     }
00036 //$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] . ":8081
00037     $elp_const=get_defined_constants(true);
00038     $elp_const=$elp_const["elphel"];
00039     foreach($_GET as $key=>$value)  switch($key) {
00040        case "profile":           profileShow(myval($value));                          break;
00041        case "histogram_direct":
00042        case "histogram_reverse":
00043        case "gamma_direct":
00044        case "gamma_reverse":     showHistGamma ($key,floatval($value));               break;
00045        case "jpegheader":        showJpegHeader();                                    break;
00046        case "constants":         echo "<pre>\n";print_r($elp_const); echo "</pre>\n"; break;
00047        case "frame":             printRawFrame(myval($value));                        break;
00048        case "hist_raw":          printRawHistogram(0xfff,myval($value));              break;
00049        case "hist":
00050        case "histogram":         printHistogram(myval($value));                       break;
00051        case "gamma":             printGammaStructure();                               break;
00052        case "gamma_page":        printRawGamma(myval($value));                        break;
00053        default:                  showUsage();
00054      }
00055 exit (0);
00057 function showUsage() {
00058          echo <<<USAGE
00059    <p>This is a collection of tools for the 8.0 software development/testing, you can provide parameters in HTTP GET request.</p>
00060    <p>Here are some of the current options</p>
00061    <ul>
00062     <li><a href="?constants">constants</a> - list all defined PHP constants related to Elphel camera</li>
00063     <li><a href="?profile=50">profile=50</a> - show last 50 (up to ELPHEL_CONST_PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES=2048) profile entries - recorded if profiling is enabled</li>
00064     <li><a href="?histogram_direct=0.5">histogram_direct=0.5</a> - show part of the pixels below specified output value (on 0..1.0 scale - 0.5 in this example) for each color channel </li>
00065     <li><a href="?histogram_reverse=0.5">histogram_reverse=0.5</a> - show pixel output value (on 0..1.0 scale) so that specified part of all pixels have output (after gamma conversion) valuebelow it, for each color channel </li>
00066     <li><a href="?gamma_direct=0.5">gamma_direct=0.5</a> - show output pixel value (on 0..1.0 scale) for the specified (0..1.0 scale) sensor pixel value, for each color channel </li>
00067     <li><a href="?gamma_reverse=0.5">gamma_reverse=0.5</a> - show what sensor pixel value would produce specified output (after gamma conversion) value (on 0..1.0 scale), for each color channel </li>
00068     <li><a href="?jpegheader">jpegheader</a> - show data in the current JPEG header</li>
00069     <li><a href="?frame=0">frame=0</a> - show raw data for the frame parameters internal data. There are 8 parameter pages used in sequence, so only the 3 least significant bits of the frame number are used</li>
00070     <li><a href="?histogram=prev">histogram=prev</a> - Show histogram data for the specified frame - in addition to the absolute frame number you may specify prev1...prev6. Giving future or too long ago frame will result in an (uncaught) error</li>
00071     <li><a href="?hist_raw=prev">hist_raw=prev</a> - Show raw histogram data for the specified frame - in addition to the absolute frame number you may specify prev1...prev6. Giving future or too long ago frame will result in an (uncaught) error. It shows the same data as <a href="?histogram=prev">histogram=prev</a> - just uses different access to the histogram arrays.</li>
00072     <li><a href="?gamma">gamma</a> - show structure of the gamma tables cache. Among othe data it provides links to the individual gamma tables pages. This command takes morfe than 10 seconds to complete.</li>
00073     <li><a href="?gamma_page=255">gamma_page=255</a> - contents of the gamma tables cache page (0 - index page, 1..255 - cache pages). Individual pages links are provided by the <a href="?gamma">?gamma</a>  command. Some of the tables in the cache (reverse, FPGA) may be missing if they were never requested.</li> 
00074   </ul>
00075    <p>There are additional development pages links available:</p>
00076    <ul>
00077     <li><a href="tuneseq.php">tuneseq.php</a> - run-time tuning of sequencer latencies;</li>
00078     <li><a href="$imgsrv">imgsrv</a> getting images from the camera internal buffer (you have to acquire them there first)</li>
00079     <li><a href="var/klog.txt">var/klog.txt</a> - read kernel messages (you first need to telnet to the camera and run "printk_mod &amp;" and enable some of the DEBUG bits)</li>
00080    </ul>
00081    <h4>Make sure to run "printk_mod &amp;" before enabling debug bits - some are from interrupt service routine, and default printk() output to console can really mess up things and make the camera &quot;freeze&quot;.</h4>
00084 USAGE;
00085 }
00087 function showJpegHeader() {
00088     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0'?><framepars/>");
00089     $circbuf_file=fopen("/dev/circbuf","r");
00090     fseek($circbuf_file,ELPHEL_LSEEK_CIRC_LAST,SEEK_END);
00091     $jpeg_start=ftell($circbuf_file);
00092     $xml->addChild ('circbuf_pointer',sprintf("0x%x (0x%x)",$jpeg_start,$jpeg_start>>2));
00093     fclose($circbuf_file);
00094     $header_file=fopen("/dev/jpeghead","r");
00096     fseek($header_file,$jpeg_start+1,SEEK_END); 
00097     fseek($header_file,0,SEEK_END);   
00098     $header_size=ftell($header_file); 
00099     $xml->addChild ('header_size',$header_size);
00100     fseek($header_file,0,SEEK_SET);   
00101     $header=fread ($header_file,8192);
00102     $xml->addChild ('header_read_length',strlen($header));
00103     fclose($header_file);
00104     $aheader=unpack('C*',$header);
00105     for ($i=0; $i<count($aheader) ;$i+=16){
00106       $d="";
00107       for ($j=$i; ($j<$i+16) && ($j<count($aheader)); $j++)  $d.=sprintf(" %02x",$aheader[$j+1]);
00108       $xml->addChild (sprintf('header%03x',$i),$d);
00109     }
00110     $rslt=$xml->asXML();
00111     header("Content-Type: text/xml");
00112     header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
00113     header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
00114     printf($rslt);
00115 }
00117 function showHistGamma ($key,$value) {
00118           $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0'?><framepars/>");
00119           switch($key) {
00120             case "histogram_direct":
00121               $xml->addChild ('histogram_direct_r', elphel_histogram(0,$value));
00122               $xml->addChild ('histogram_direct_g', elphel_histogram(1,$value));
00123               $xml->addChild ('histogram_direct_gb',elphel_histogram(2,$value));
00124               $xml->addChild ('histogram_direct_b', elphel_histogram(3,$value));
00125               break;
00126             case "histogram_reverse":
00127               $xml->addChild ('histogram_reverse_r', elphel_reverse_histogram(0,$value));
00128               $xml->addChild ('histogram_reverse_g', elphel_reverse_histogram(1,$value));
00129               $xml->addChild ('histogram_reverse_gb',elphel_reverse_histogram(2,$value));
00130               $xml->addChild ('histogram_reverse_b', elphel_reverse_histogram(3,$value));
00131               break;
00132             case "gamma_direct":
00133               $xml->addChild ('gamma_direct_r', elphel_gamma(0,$value));
00134               $xml->addChild ('gamma_direct_g', elphel_gamma(1,$value));
00135               $xml->addChild ('gamma_direct_gb',elphel_gamma(2,$value));
00136               $xml->addChild ('gamma_direct_b', elphel_gamma(3,$value));
00137               break;
00138             case "gamma_reverse":
00139               $xml->addChild ('gamma_reverse_r', elphel_reverse_gamma(0,$value));
00140               $xml->addChild ('gamma_reverse_g', elphel_reverse_gamma(1,$value));
00141               $xml->addChild ('gamma_reverse_gb',elphel_reverse_gamma(2,$value));
00142               $xml->addChild ('gamma_reverse_b', elphel_reverse_gamma(3,$value));
00143               break;
00144           }
00145          $rslt=$xml->asXML();
00146          header("Content-Type: text/xml");
00147          header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n");
00148          header("Pragma: no-cache\n");
00149          printf($rslt);
00150 }
00152 function profileShow($num_entries) {
00153 //echo "<pre>";
00154 //
00155           $prof_template=array(
00156                  "PROFILE00"=>0,"PROFILE01"=>0,
00157                  "PROFILE02"=>0,"PROFILE03"=>0,
00158                  "PROFILE04"=>0,"PROFILE05"=>0,
00159                  "PROFILE06"=>0,"PROFILE07"=>0,
00160                  "PROFILE08"=>0,"PROFILE09"=>0,
00161                  "PROFILE10"=>0,"PROFILE11"=>0,
00162                  "PROFILE12"=>0,"PROFILE13"=>0,
00163                  "PROFILE14"=>0,"PROFILE15"=>0
00164           );
00165           $now=elphel_get_frame()-2; 
00166           $time_start=elphel_get_fpga_time();
00167           $prof_raw=array();
00168           for ($i=$now-$num_entries-1;$i<=$now;$i++) {
00169             $prof_raw[$i]=elphel_get_P_arr($prof_template,$i);
00170           }
00171           $time_end=elphel_get_fpga_time();
00172           $prof=array();
00173           for ($i=$now-$num_entries;$i<=$now;$i++) {
00174             $prof[$i]=array ( "dt0"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"]-$prof_raw[$i-1]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]-$prof_raw[$i-1]["PROFILE01"]),
00175                               "dt1"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE02"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE03"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]),
00176                               "dt2"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE04"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE05"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]),
00177                               "dt3"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE06"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE07"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]),
00178                               "dt4"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE08"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE09"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]),
00179                               "dt5"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE10"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE11"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]),
00180                               "dt6"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE12"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE13"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]),
00181                               "dt7"=>($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE14"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE00"])*1000000+($prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE15"]-$prof_raw[$i]["PROFILE01"]));
00182            foreach ($prof[$i] as $key=>$value) if ($prof[$i][$key]<0)$prof[$i][$key]="";
00183          }
00184  if (!elphel_get_P_value(ELPHEL_PROFILING_EN)) {
00185 echo <<<PROFILE_ENABLE
00186    <p><i>Interrupt service/tasklet profiling is currently disabled. You may enable it by following this link:
00187    <a href="/parsedit.php?PROFILING_EN=1">/parsedit.php?PROFILING_EN=1</a>
00188    </i></p>
00190  }
00191 echo <<<CAPTION
00192 <p>reading profile time start=$time_start </p>
00193 <p>reading profile time end=$time_end </p>
00194 <ol>Profiling interrupt/tasklet execution time in microseconds, starting from the start of the frame
00195   <li>after updating frame pointers, Exif, parameters structures (IRQ service)</li>
00196   <li>start of the tasklet</li>
00197   <li>after Y histogram (G1) load from the FPGA (if enabled)</li>
00198   <li>after processing parameters (actions triggered by the parameter changes), </li>
00199   <li>after C histograms (R,G2,B) load from the FPGA (if enabled)</li>
00200   <li>When parameters are started to be written by appliaction(s) - overwritten if several calls take place during the same frame</li>
00201   <li>When parameters are finished to be written by appliaction(s) (may be  overwritten)</li>
00202 </oul>
00203 <br/><br/>
00204 CAPTION;
00206  printf ("<table border='1'><tr><td>Frame</td><td>(hex)</td><td>Period</td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>7</td></tr>\n");
00207  for ($i=$now-$num_entries;$i<=$now;$i++) {
00208    printf("<tr style='align:right'><td>%d</td><td>%08x</td><td>%d</td>",$i,$i,$prof[$i]["dt0"]);
00209    for ($j=1;$j<8;$j++) {
00210      if ($prof[$i]["dt".$j]) printf("<td>%d</td>",$prof[$i]["dt".$j]);
00211      else                    printf("<td>&nbsp;</td>");
00212    }
00213    printf("</tr>\n");
00214  }
00215  printf("</table>");
00216 //echo "<pre>";print_r($prof_raw);echo"</pre>\n";
00218 }
00223 function printGammaStructure() {
00224   $gammaStructure=getGammaStructure();
00225    printf("<table \"border=1\">\n");
00226    printf(       "<tr><td>oldest_non_scaled</td><td><b>%d</b></td></tr>\n"
00227                 ."<tr><td>newest_non_scaled</td><td><b>%d</b></td></tr>\n"
00228                 ."<tr><td>oldest_all</td><td><b>%d</b></td></tr>\n"
00229                 ."<tr><td>newest_all</td><td><b>%d</b></td></tr>\n"
00230                 ."<tr><td>non_scaled_length</td><td><b>%d</b></td></tr>\n"
00231                 ."<tr><td>num_locked</td><td><b>%d</b></td></tr>\n"
00232                 ."<tr><td>locked_col 0</td><td><b>%d</b></td>\n"
00233                 ."<tr><td>locked_col 1</td><td><b>%d</b></td>\n"
00234                 ."<tr><td>locked_col 2</td><td><b>%d</b></td>\n"
00235                 ."<tr><td>locked_col 3</td><td><b>%d</b></td>\n"
00236                 ."</table>\n",
00237                 $gammaStructure["oldest_non_scaled"],
00238                 $gammaStructure["newest_non_scaled"],
00239                 $gammaStructure["oldest_all"],
00240                 $gammaStructure["newest_all"],
00241                 $gammaStructure["non_scaled_length"],
00242                 $gammaStructure["num_locked"],
00243                 $gammaStructure["locked_col"][0],
00244                 $gammaStructure["locked_col"][1],
00245                 $gammaStructure["locked_col"][2],
00246                 $gammaStructure["locked_col"][3]
00247 );
00248     printf("<br/><br/>\n");
00250     printf("<table \"border=1\">\n");
00251 //    printf("<tr><td>index           </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["index"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00252     printf("<tr><td>index           </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry)
00253        printf ("<td><a href='?gamma_page=%d'><b>%d</b></a></td>",$entry["index"],$entry["index"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00255     printf("<tr><td>hash32           </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%08x</b></td>",$entry["hash32"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00256     printf("<tr><td>scale           </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%01.3f</b></td>",$entry["scale"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00257     printf("<tr><td>gamma           </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%01.3f</b></td>",$entry["gamma"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00258     printf("<tr><td>black           </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["black"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00259     printf("<tr><td>valid           </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>0x%x</b></td>",$entry["valid"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00260     printf("<tr><td>locked          </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>0x%8x</b></td>",$entry["locked"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00261     printf("<tr><td>this_non_scaled </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["this_non_scaled"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00262     printf("<tr><td>newer_non_scaled</td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["newer_non_scaled"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00263     printf("<tr><td>older_non_scaled</td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["older_non_scaled"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00264     printf("<tr><td>newer_all       </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["newer_all"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00265     printf("<tr><td>older_all       </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["older_all"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00266     printf("<tr><td>oldest_scaled   </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["oldest_scaled"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00267     printf("<tr><td>newest_scaled   </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["newest_scaled"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00268     printf("<tr><td>newer_scaled    </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["newer_scaled"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00269     printf("<tr><td>older_scaled    </td>\n"); foreach ($gammaStructure["entries"] as $entry) printf ("<td><b>%d</b></td>",$entry["older_scaled"]);printf("</tr>\n");
00270     printf("</table>\n");
00271   }
00273 function getGammaStructure() {
00274         $gammas_file=fopen("/dev/gamma_cache","r");
00275         fseek($gammas_file,0,SEEK_END);
00276         $numberOfEntries=ftell($gammas_file);
00277         fclose($gammas_file);
00278         $gammaStructure=array();
00279         $g_raw=elphel_gamma_get_raw(0);
00280         $g_raw_ul=unpack('V*',$g_raw);
00281         $gammaStructure["oldest_non_scaled"]=$g_raw_ul[5];
00282         $gammaStructure["newest_non_scaled"]=$g_raw_ul[6];
00283         $gammaStructure["oldest_all"]=       $g_raw_ul[7];
00284         $gammaStructure["newest_all"]=       $g_raw_ul[8];
00285         $gammaStructure["non_scaled_length"]=$g_raw_ul[9];
00286         $gammaStructure["num_locked"]=       $g_raw_ul[10];
00287         $gammaStructure["locked_col"]=  array ($g_raw_ul[11],$g_raw_ul[12],$g_raw_ul[13],$g_raw_ul[14]);
00288         $gammaStructure["entries"]=  array ();
00289         for ($i=1; $i<$numberOfEntries; $i++) {
00290           $g_raw=elphel_gamma_get_raw($i);
00291           $g_raw_ul=unpack('V*',$g_raw);
00292           if ($g_raw_ul[ 4]>=0) { 
00293             $hash32= $g_raw_ul[1];
00294             $gammaStructure["entries"][$i]=  array (
00295               "index" =>                 $i,
00296               "hash32"=>                 $hash32,
00297               "scale" =>                 ($hash32 & 0xffff)/1024.0,
00298               "gamma" =>                 (($hash32 >> 16) & 0xff)/100.0,
00299               "black" =>                 (($hash32 >> 24) & 0xff),
00300               "valid" =>                 $g_raw_ul[ 2], 
00301               "locked" =>                $g_raw_ul[ 3], 
00302               "this_non_scaled" =>       $g_raw_ul[ 4], 
00304               "newer_non_scaled" =>      $g_raw_ul[ 5], 
00305               "older_non_scaled" =>      $g_raw_ul[ 6], 
00307               "newer_all" =>             $g_raw_ul[ 7], 
00308               "older_all" =>             $g_raw_ul[ 8], 
00310               "oldest_scaled" =>         $g_raw_ul[ 9], 
00311               "newest_scaled" =>         $g_raw_ul[10], 
00312               "newer_scaled" =>          $g_raw_ul[ 9], 
00313               "older_scaled" =>          $g_raw_ul[10] 
00314               );
00315             }
00316           }
00317           return $gammaStructure;
00318         }
00320 function printRawGamma($page=0) {
00321         $g_raw=elphel_gamma_get_raw($page);
00322 //var_dump()
00323         $g_raw_ul=unpack('V*',$g_raw);
00324         echo "<pre>\n";
00325         printf ("Gamma cache page %d, length=%d\n",$page, strlen($g_raw));
00326         $a=1; 
00327         $hash32= $g_raw_ul[$a++];
00328         $scale= ($hash32 & 0xffff)/1024.0;
00329         $gamma= (($hash32 >> 16) & 0xff)/100.0;
00330         $black= (($hash32 >> 24) & 0xff);
00331         printf ("hash32= %08x (scale=%f gamma=%f black=%d)\n",$hash32,$scale,$gamma,$black);
00332         $valid= $g_raw_ul[$a++];
00333         printf ("valid=%d, locked=%d\n",$valid & 1, $valid & 2);
00335         $locked= $g_raw_ul[$a++];
00336         printf ("locked= 0x%x (for frame=%d/color=%d)\n",$locked, $locked & 7, ($locked>>3) & 3);
00338         $this_non_scaled=$g_raw_ul[$a++]; 
00339         printf ("this_non_scaled=%d\n",$this_non_scaled);
00340         if ($page==0) {
00341           printf ("oldest_non_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00342           printf ("newest_non_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00343         } else {
00344           printf ("newer_non_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00345           printf ("older_non_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00346         }
00348         if ($page==0) {
00349           printf ("oldest_all=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00350           printf ("newest_all=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00351         } else {
00352           printf ("newer_all=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00353           printf ("older_all=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00354         }
00356         if ($page==0) {
00357           printf ("non_scaled_length=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]); 
00358           printf ("num_locked=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);        
00359         } else if ($this_non_scaled==0){
00360           printf ("oldest_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00361           printf ("newest_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00362         } else {
00363           printf ("newer_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00364           printf ("older_scaled=%d\n",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00365         }
00367         if ($page==0) {
00368           printf ("\nTable of locked indexes\n");
00369           for ($color=0;$color<4; $color++) {
00370 //            for ($frame=0;$frame<8; $frame++) {
00371               printf (" %4d",$g_raw_ul[$a++]);
00372 //            }
00373 //            printf ("\n");
00374           }
00375           printf ("\n");
00377           printf ("\n\nUnused area on page 0:");
00378 //          for ($i=0; $i<417; $i++) {
00379           for ($i=0; $i<445; $i++) {
00380             if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00381             $d=$g_raw_ul[$a++];
00382             printf (" %08x",$d);
00383           }
00385         } else {
00386           printf ("\nGamma table (direct):");
00387           for ($i=0; $i<129; $i++) {
00388             if (($i & 0x07)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i*2);
00389             $d=$g_raw_ul[$a++];
00390             printf (" %04x %04x",$d & 0xffff, ($d>>16) & 0xffff );
00391           }
00392           printf ("\n\nGamma table (reverse):");
00393           for ($i=0; $i<64; $i++) {
00394             if (($i & 0x03)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i*4);
00395             $d=$g_raw_ul[$a++];
00396             printf (" %02x %02x %02x %02x",$d & 0xff, ($d>>8) & 0xff, ($d>>16) & 0xff, ($d>>24) & 0xff);
00397           }
00399           printf ("\n\nFPGA gamma data:");
00400           for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
00401             if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00402             $d=$g_raw_ul[$a++];
00403             printf (" %05x",$d);
00404           }
00405         }
00406         echo "</pre>\n";
00407 }
00409 function printHistogram($frame) {
00410      if (!$frame) $frame=elphel_get_frame()-1;
00411      $colors=array(0=>"R",1=>"G",2=>"GB",3=>"B");
00412      $h_arr=elphel_histogram_get(0xfff,$frame);
00413      $a=0;
00414      $offset2sum=1024+255; 
00415      echo "<pre>\n";
00416      for ($color=0;$color<4;$color++) {
00417        printf("\nhistogram for color #%d %s, Total number of pixels=%d (0x%x):",$color,$colors[$color],$h_arr[$a+$offset2sum],$h_arr[$a+$offset2sum]);
00418        for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
00419          if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00420          printf (" %05x",$h_arr[$a++]);
00421        }
00422        printf ("\n");
00423      }
00424      for ($color=0;$color<4;$color++) {
00425        printf("\ncumulative histogram for color #%d %s:",$color,$colors[$color]);
00426        for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
00427          if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00428          printf (" %08x",$h_arr[$a++]);
00429        }
00430        printf ("\n");
00431      }
00432      for ($color=0;$color<4;$color++) {
00433        printf("\npercentile for color #%d %s:",$color,$colors[$color]);
00434        for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
00435          if (($i & 0x01f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00436          printf (" %02x",$h_arr[$a++]);
00437        }
00438        printf ("\n");
00439      }
00440      echo "</pre>\n";
00441 }
00443 function printRawHistogram($needed,$frame) {
00444         if (!$frame) $frame=elphel_get_frame()-1;
00445         $percentile_start=8232;
00446         $colors=array(0=>"R",1=>"G",2=>"GB",3=>"B");
00447         $h_raw=elphel_histogram_get_raw($needed,$frame);
00448 //var_dump()
00449         $h_raw_ul=unpack('V*',substr($h_raw,0,$percentile_start));
00450         echo "<pre>\n";
00451         $a=1; 
00452         $hframe=   $h_raw_ul[$a++];
00453         $valid=    $h_raw_ul[$a++];
00454         $hash32_r= $h_raw_ul[$a++];
00455         $hash32_g= $h_raw_ul[$a++];
00456         $hash32_gb=$h_raw_ul[$a++];
00457         $hash32_b= $h_raw_ul[$a++];
00459         printf ("Histogram for frame= %d (0x%x), valid mask=0x%x, requested=0x%x, data length=%d (0x%x)\n",$hframe,$hframe, $valid,$needed,strlen($h_raw),strlen($h_raw));
00460         printf ("hash32: R:0x%x G:0x%x GB:0x%x B:0x%x)\n",$hash32_r,$hash32_g,$hash32_gb,$hash32_b);
00461         for ($color=0;$color<4;$color++) {
00462           $sum=0;
00463           for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++)   $sum+=$h_raw_ul[$a+$i];
00464           printf("\nhistogram for color #%d %s sum=%d (0x%x):",$color,$colors[$color],$sum,$sum);
00465           for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
00466             if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00467             $d=$h_raw_ul[$a++];
00468             printf (" %05x",$d);
00469           }
00470           printf ("\n");
00471         }
00472         for ($color=0;$color<4;$color++) {
00473           printf("\ncumulative histogram for color #%d %s:",$color,$colors[$color]);
00474           for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
00475             if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00476             $d=$h_raw_ul[$a++];
00477             printf (" %08x",$d);
00478           }
00479           printf ("\n");
00480         }
00481         for ($color=0;$color<4;$color++) {
00482           printf("\npercentile for color #%d %s:",$color,$colors[$color]);
00483           for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
00484             if (($i & 0x01f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00485             printf (" %02x",ord($h_raw[$percentile_start+(256*$color)+$i]));
00486           }
00487           printf ("\n");
00488         }
00489         echo "</pre>\n";
00490 }
00493 function printRawFrame($frame) {
00494         $fp_raw=elphel_framepars_get_raw($frame);
00495         $fp_raw_ul=unpack('V*',$fp_raw);
00496         echo "<pre>\n";
00497         printf ("\nFrame= %d(%08x)\n",$frame,$frame);
00498         $a=1; 
00499         echo ".pars:";
00500         for ($i=0; $i<927; $i++) {
00501           if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00502           printf (" %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00503         }
00504         printf ("\n.functions= %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00505         echo "\n.modsince:";
00506         for ($i=0; $i<31; $i++) {
00507           if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00508           printf (" %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00509         }
00510         printf ("\n.modsince32= %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00511         echo "\n.mod:";
00512         for ($i=0; $i<31; $i++) {
00513           if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00514           printf (" %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00515         }
00516         printf ("\n.mod32= %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00517         echo "\n.needproc:";
00518         for ($i=0; $i<31; $i++) {
00519           if (($i & 0x0f)==0) printf ("\n0x%03x:",$i);
00520           printf (" %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00521         }
00522         printf ("\n.needproc32= %08x:",$fp_raw_ul[$a++]);
00523 //        var_dump($fp_raw_ul);
00524         echo "</pre>\n";
00525 }
00528 function myval ($s) {
00529   $current_frame=elphel_get_frame();
00530   $s=trim($s,"\" ");
00531   if (strtoupper(substr($s,0,2))=="0X")   return intval(hexdec($s));
00532   else  switch ($s) {
00533            case "this":  return elphel_get_frame();
00534               break;
00535            case "next":
00536            case "next1":  return elphel_get_frame()+1;
00537               break;
00538            case "next2": return elphel_get_frame()+2;
00539               break;
00540            case "next3": return elphel_get_frame()+3;
00541               break;
00542            case "next4": return elphel_get_frame()+4;
00543               break;
00544            case "next5": return elphel_get_frame()+5;
00545               break;
00546            case "next6": return elphel_get_frame()+6;
00547               break;
00548               break;
00549            case "prev":
00550            case "prev1":  return elphel_get_frame()-1;
00551               break;
00552            case "prev2": return elphel_get_frame()-2;
00553               break;
00554            case "prev3": return elphel_get_frame()-3;
00555               break;
00556            case "prev4": return elphel_get_frame()-4;
00557               break;
00558            case "prev5": return elphel_get_frame()-5;
00559               break;
00560            case "prev6": return elphel_get_frame()-6;
00561               break;
00562            default:
00563              return intval($s);
00564   }
00565 }
00566 ?>

Generated on Fri Nov 28 00:06:24 2008 for elphel by  doxygen 1.5.1